HELP!!! Can't remove my 5 viruses!

Can anyone help me??? I was stupid and decided Avast! was taking up too much room on my computer and decided to delete it. I thought I was smart and would be okay without it! Well, now I’ve got 5 viruses. I have reinstalled Avast! and it says there is an error when I try to repair the files. Listed below are the virus names. Please help me get rid of these if you know how.


Thank you so much!!

Run a boottime scan and let us know if that solved it.

hmm, did avast! find these viruses? then it should be able to delete it (if im right hehe)


Well, I guess the Teacher has been “taught” or rather “caught” by viri. ;D

Ok, go to this site and follow the instructions for the virus names you mention:

And do me a favor…Put Avast back! :wink:
Then run a full scan to make sure the system is clean.