HELP! Can't remove virusus.

Hi I’m really sorry if there are topics that have already been posted that may be of relavance to my problem but i really aren’t that much of a computer whizz and don’t really understand.

I did a scan on my pc and for the first enabled scan archive files (which i don’t really understand) and to my horror lots of viruses were found. To make it worse when i tried to move them to the chest, a message kept coming up saying was enable to move to chest and something like it is not supported or something??

I don’t what this means or how to fix it…can anyone help me please??? Bear in mind that i am not that familiar with avast or computers in general!!!

Thanks in advance…

Paul :slight_smile:

Hi hilroy89,

Think of an archive as a box of office or household junk neatly packed away for transport or storage: books, files, tapes, CD’s, pictures, old magazines whatever.

To get at any individual item in the box, you need to rip open the seal and unpack every item to get at the one you want.

It’s the same with a computer archive: avast! can tell you if there’s a virus in the box, but you have to unpack the box yourself if you want to delete it.

An archive is often a compressed file like a .zip folder. If you want to get rid of the virus, you’ll have to extract all the files in the folder and delete infected ones individually, or delete the whole folder.

Viruses in archives are not active, but you need to think about where the archive came from: if it’s something of your own (zipped documents etc.), you will probably want to extract the files and delete or repair any infected files.

If it’s something you’ve downloaded from the web or which arrived as an email attachment, you would be well advised to delete the whole archive unless you are very sure of the source.

What exactly was the archive in which the malware was detected and where did it come from?

i don’t know and i don’t know where the archive is?

Server edition may be different but in home edition if you right click the avast! icon in the notification area you can access the log viewer and find the information in one of the tabs there.

OK will try that thanks. Looked on drive c and found one folder titled my archives but it was empty!!!

nope it says that the files are in F! But when i look i can’t see them. How come do you think?

I don’t get the impression that hilroy89 is using a server OS or the server version of avast.

Hi I'm really sorry if there are topics that have already been posted that may be of relavance to my problem but i really aren't that much of a computer whizz and don't really understand.

I did a scan on my pc and for the first enabled scan archive files (which i don’t really understand) and to my horror lots of viruses were found. To make it worse when i tried to move them to the chest, a message kept coming up saying was enable to move to chest and something like it is not supported or something??

I don’t what this means or how to fix it…can anyone help me please?Huh Bear in mind that i am not that familiar with avast or computers in general!!!

@ hilroy89
What version of avast are you using (I suspect avast 4 home)?
What is your operating system ?

It may simply mean that avast can’t extract the infected file from within an archive or in doing so it might corrupt/damage the archive.

I you right click the avast icon and select avast! Log Viewer, check the Warning section were details of all detections are recorded.

DavidR you are so right! Sorry about that, i do have the home edition. Told you i’m not very good at this :slight_smile:

Got into log viewer now what?

P.s as i couldn’t see the file, i used search in the start window, and it found one file, i deleted it and now avast doesn’t seem to detect any of the previous rviruses…does this mean that i have fixed the problem?

Once in the Log Viewer, you should click the Warning Icon that section lists the information about infected files, etc.

Deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, you could manually add it to the User Files section of the chest.

Having found it you should have let us know its file name and location and we could have advised on further action. Only with information can we give you detailed information and at no time have you said what the virus name was or its file name and location, these are essential in helping us to help you.

I can’t say if the problem is fixed or not on the information you have given. The deletion of that one file may have stopped alerts, but had we known what the virus name, file name and location we may be able to say if there are other elements to this that need resolved.

sorry, was panicking while waiting for help…

i guess i should have waited, all i remember was it had exe in the name and was in dive f…
thanks anyway

If it was detected by avast then the detection information will be in the avast log viewer (warning section) as I said, check it out.