Hello everyone, I just recently, maybe the last month or two have been having major issues with my computer. Its old, like 7 years old, but up until last month never had any problems with t. It routinely runs at 98-100% cpu usage even with no programs or anything open. I googled each of the task pane processes running but none of them seem to be harmful (at least from what i can gather). I recently made the switch from AVG to Avast, figured i would try a new product, sure enough the first scan picked up 2 WIN32:mal-ware gen items on my d drive. It moved these to chest and its still running very high cpu usage.
Aside from the high usage, it take about 15 mins to boot up, audio (itunes) and video have slowed to an awful stutter/freezing kind of deal. The mouse just slowly lags and drags around the screen at times. I am open to trying anything. I just got fed up with it and finally got a new computer, but I still want to be able to access this one, as I have things on here I want to keep, mainly my music. I have an external drive but I’m afraid to plug it into my new one as I’m not sure if there’s a virus here or not that could have embedded its self in it.
At this point I’m not sure if its a virus, root kit, corrupted registry, or who knows what so I’m open to try any scans and provide any logs, I must warn though if you desire scans/logs, you will need to be patient with me as I said before, this thing takes forever to do anything lol. Thanks in advance.