Help deleting Avast Cleanup


I’m asking this for a friend, who wants to uninstall Avast Cleanup, but he can’t do it because it keeps telling him the app is running in the background, even though it isn’t - I checked it on the Activity Monitor, and even it though it shows zero usage of CPU I ordered it to terminate a few times, but for no use.
He’s not sure whether or not he has bought the app, so he can’t log in the thus doesn’t have the option to uninstall it from within the app, like it says so in this post .
Any help would be great!
Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hello, this isn’t expected behavior - may be a bug. Could you ask your friend to

  1. update the product with “Check for updates” from app menu
  2. send us logs - Help > Send Feedback

Best regards

Thanks for the help, but I can’t do that - because I’m not logged in to the app, I don’t have the option to do pretty much anything from withing the app.
What should I do?

I’m really lost. What exactly do you mean by “I’m not logged in to the app”? There is no log in option in the Avast Cleanup. Just run it and choose the Uninstall from menu.

If you prefer command line then you can 1) open the Terminal 2) run “open /Applications/”