HELP i cant claim rewards!

when i click the “claim” button it does nothing. i already have a friend install it
(see attachment)

On my case it doesn’t even appear my friend installed it (he did through the link and respecting all terms, he sent me pictures), I even tried it on my other computer, it still shows up as 0 friends installed.


Has it been more than 48 hours since they installed it?
Have you adhered to all the conditions as mentioned here
Please make sure that:
a) Your friend installs Avast Free Antivirus directly through your personal recommendation link, found in the ‘Earn Rewards’ section.
b) Your friend installs Avast Free Antivirus on a Windows PC (Mac OS installations will not count as a successful recommendation as it is currently not supported).
c) Your friend’s PC must be connected (and stay connected) to the internet during the entire installation, so that we may know you’ve recommended a new user.
d) Your friend must not have Avast Free Antivirus already installed on their PC when using your recommendation link to download the product.
e) And most importantly: for your share to count as a successful recommendation, your friend must keep Avast Free Antivirus installed on their PC.

As I said, he respected all the terms. He installed it on March 13th around 8pm so I think it’s been 45/46 hours since that.

Which means that hasn’t yet been 48 hours, patience is a virtue :wink:
Give it a little time and confirm (with them) that they have abided by the terms given.

Personally I don’t see what is wrong with avast free :slight_smile:

Perhaps it’s something wrong on your friends end. I had an issue like this one time before and well I’ve discovered my friend that installed it did a stupid mistake of not installing it directly from my link lol. Really make sure he did everything right.

That isn’t the case. i confirmed he had installed it directly installed from the link I sent him. And I even tried on my old computer and it still didn’t work. Maybe it’s a problem of the system.

I don’t see anything wrong with it either. I just want to keep my computer as safe as possible and I wanted to try it out when I saw you could get a premium plan for free. I’m just disappointed it’s not working.

I confirmed he respected all the terms at the time he installed it, it’s been 48 hours now, I think.


Please provide us with your support file id.
To generate the support file, please see this link.

I recently uninstalled the app (after the 48 hours passed) and installed it again so the recommendation link has changed.

I recently uninstalled the app and installed it again so the recommendation link is now different.
Is this what you’re asking for? FSSAN

Excerpt from T&C: Share count is tied to your Avast installation. If you reinstall Avast on your PC or install Avast on a different PC, you will lose your current share balance.

I uninstalled it after the 48 hours passed (the max time they said it would take for it to show up) and I didn’t think it would change the recommendation link. Anyways, it didn’t work.

Well, as you reinstalled Avast, you would need to start from scratch.

Hello all, the issue is fixed now. There is a new online content, that means it should work without any update or repair.
