I have searched the FAQ’s and also the forums but I still cant find a solution.
When the page opens for the antivirus scan the bottom part (with the scan button) is out of sight.
I have tried resizing the page, moving it up and altering the screen area (which is set at 600x800). I am running windows ME.
I dont know what else to try next and dont want to uninstall Avast.
Does anyone have any other suggestions to resolve this?
The other posts that I found on this problem all seem to be when people are running in safe mode, but I couldnt find any answers that have resolved this problem.
Which skin are you using?
If you right click the ‘window’ in task bar.
The first option should be ‘Move’. Left click it.
Then, use the arrows to move the skin over the screen and then press Enter… Will it help?
Or simply go here:
…and download BLACK VIBE skin
Or here:
…and download CORPORATE skin
Or here:
…and download O-Sti-X skin
Or here:
…and download Laah-Ra skin.
…or maybe few by Martin Novak:
All these skins are very small in pixel size and shouldn’t give you any problems on your resolution.
My advice is, if your monitor supports it, please go with higher resolution… 800x600 is something that we can call “obsolete” resolution. Go with 1024x768 pixels at least.
I just wanted to say thanks for the replies.
I have now downloaded a new skin.
Glad we could help
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