Help, I can't update my avast home T_T

my avast’s still working good until yesterday, i tried to update my virus database and get this error: Cannot connect to server

Err:Cannot connect to (
And now my avast cannot get update any thing, please help me, i'm sick of this >:( :o :'( P/s: i'm using windows 7 and i tried to reinstall it 3 times, but the error still remains

ah sory, i’ve found how to fix this, it’s all about the proxy, i changed it to No proxy and it works correctly

i am having the same problem. how can i change the proxy setting???
everytime i press update , nothing seems to happen …
what to do on windows 7

It could be other things other than the No Proxy that tdiddy mentioned, resolved his problem.

  1. avast! Program Settings (right click the avast ‘a’ icon), Update (Connections), Proxy… button, select the Direct connection (no proxy) option, see image.


  1. What is your firewall ?
    Does it allow avast.setup internet access ?
  • If it does delete the entry for it and do a manual update (right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Updating, iAVS Update), this should force the firewall to ask permission again.