Help! I have an Avast charge in my credit card I didn't request


I have just seen that Avast charged me 51 dollars and I have no clue why as I haven’t bought nor renewed any products from them.

My credit card billing shows:

DRI*AVAST Software USD 51,82

I can’t complete the reimbursement request since I didn’t receive any e-mails with order number or so (required to enter in the reimbursement form).

What can I do?

Thank you.

DRI should be Digital River;

Here >>

Or you can reach out to Avast!, who will likely reach out to DR. >> Given you don’t have an order number, you will have to explain what’s happened.

Seeing as how you don’t have an order Number, When using this link:
then use #00000000 as an order number. You can then explain your situation. :slight_smile: