HELP!!!!!!! I sincerely need help in Re-Registering

Dear Sir/Madam
I really need help. We have been a user of Avast for the past year. It is time to re-register. When I went to Avast website all I can find is where to register for a NEW License… I really need help in finding the webpage and proceedures in RE-Registering Avast 5 for another year.
Thank You and I remain Gratefully Yours

in RE-Registering Avast 5 for another year.
avast 5 have not been out for a year .....

avast! 5.x: Inserting the license key into avast! Free Antivirus

What he was trying to convey is that he needs to re-register Avast. It just so happens that he now has updated to and is currently using Avast 5, but the last time he registered - last year - he was still using v.4.x.

I’m having a similar issue,… please see post

maybe the " register now " and " insert license key " buttons comes out from hiding when the time is up … ???

Thanks, I’ve thought that too, but it would be nice to know.

The problem itself will tell you as soon as it wants to be re-registered (and will give you the chance to re-register).
This will happen exactly 14 days before the expiration date - and from that moment on, you’ll be able re-register at any time (via the avast UI).

Thanks for the heads up!..

May I humbly recommend to Avast that they include this little nugget of info with their registration instructions. After all they are sending the little red pop-up alert informing of the pending expiration. Just stands to reason… :slight_smile:

Wait a moment, so you did get the “toaster” pop-up about the expiration already?
Because it is supposed to be displayed at exactly the same time as the Re-registration button.


Yes, I received the red pop-up alert from previous version 4 regarding the impending expiration and I clicked it. From what I recall, and it’s been over a week ago (and I can hardly remember what I ate for breakfast) I was prompted to upgrade to 5 and I did. It told me that it found the previous version and that it was going to uninstall it first which it did. I was never prompted for any registration info during the process.

The program has been working fine, but I still can’t update the registration.

The registration info from your existing 4.8 install is retained and automatically applied to your 5.0 installation.

So check what it says is the expiration date says, if it is more than 14 days away just wait.

Hello DavidR…
I have just uninstalled avast 4.8 with aswclear in safemode…
then I downloaded and installed the new free avast…
It is askinf me to register and there is no evidence or even a place to
put my valid registration key… i have about 9 months still to go on my
registration 4.8…
have you any suggestions please

Had you installed 5.0 over 4.8 then the registration data would have been retained. By uninstalling 4.8 first that data is lost and the old 4.8 key doesn’t work with 5.0.

Open the avastUI (left click on the avast Orange a icon), Maintenance, Registration and click the Register now button, complete the form and that is it done.

Ohh ???
i had read reviews here first where some folks had installed over 4.8 and got alot of
things going wrong …were advised to uninstall 4.8 first … so i thought its better to uninstall
first as to not get problems…
There were infections in the chest… would they have been removed aswell???
I did a quick scan after installing 5… came up clean…

The problem is that these posts for the most part are old and there have been a number of updates since the early pre-release versions and early regular release versions to address these issues.

With this 5.0.507 release version if installed over avast 4.8 the chest would be removed and no files transferred, the same as if you had uninstalled 4.8 manually.

i uninstalled in safe mode …with the aswclear or clean… that i had saved to desktop…
just clicked uninstall… took about a minute and was gone…
was that OK?? …lol… went real quick…

@ tisha-uk

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