Ive run boot up scan and full scan after start up and found over 50 infected files. Not knowing whether theyre too dangerous to delete, they dont repair either, on the boot up scan i just kept selecting move instead of delete. Where have they now been moved to and how do i know whats safe to delete or not? And if unsafe to delete then what the hell does one do?
what WIN do you have ? Are all ServicePacks and Windowsupdates applied ?
Where exactly were the infected Files found (full path/folder/filename, e.g. c:\Windows\system32\virusfile.exe) ?
It depends:
Viruses should be repaired if possible, trojans/worms can be deleted, but SOMEtimes some system modifications have to be reversed BEFPOREHAND…
→ IT’s always best to only block or move files until you get some info on how to properly remove the malware…
MOVING: Where ?
→ where you told avast to move the file to…
either to avast’s chest, or avast’s MOVED folder, or to some other folder…
see avast’s scan-report/logs to find out what you did, if you can’t remember
also look there for the malware/virusnames & original locations: without this info, we can’t help you more specifically