Hello, I appreciate any advise you can give me as I am a novice and this is the first time I’ve ever gotten a virus.
I downloaded and ran Avast when antivirus AVG & SuperAntiSpyware would freeze up and have since deleted them. The Windows Live safety scanner also froze up. I cannot tell you much about how I contracted the viruses as my son was using my computer at the time.
I now have on my PC, Avast, Ad-aware, and Malwarebytes.
I have the following in the chest and I don’t know where/what to do from here. I’ve tried looking them up by the virus name and don’t find anything on Avast I forum nor google. I think one is definitely in a system .dll and don’t know about the Recycler C and D.
I am typing these out as I don’t want to copy and paste from the chest.
Name: gxvxcjtxyhqmxwfdaqndynfttintqiipqvint.sys
Original location: C:\Windows\System32\drivers
Last changed: 5/19/2009 12:47:38 PM
Transfer time: 5/20/2009 7:46:25 PM
Virus: Win32:Alureon-AT [Rtk]
Name: S-0-4-14-100022117-100011470-100009164-5761.com
Original location: C:\RECYCLER
Last changed: 5/18/2009 3:01:12 PM
Transfer time: 5/20/2009 6:42:42 PM
Virus: Win32:Jifas-AV [trj]
Name: S-0-4-14-100022117-100011470-100009164-5761.com
Original location: D:\RECYCLER
Last changed: 5/18/2009 10:01:12 PM
Transfer time: 5/21/2009 2:40:27 AM
Virus: Win32:Jifas-AV [trj]
One of the “help yourself” instr. said to make sure that your system is updated, well my Windows update will not install updates with error code 80244019 and I’ve taken the measures advised to restart services required by Windows Update after I quarantined the virus and still am unsuccessful installing updates.
I also installed Spyware Doctor by pctools and could not get the initial required update to complete successfully to even be able to commence Spyware Doctor scanning of my PC so I have deleted that one for now.
This may have been the wrong thing to do, but after I had quarantined the viruses I recovered my PC to a date before contracting the viruses, however, when I tried to reinstall Avast, the setup wizard would never appear to complete installation, so I undid the recovery so I would still have Avast and am in the present state of having the viruses in the chest.
Thanks for your help in what to do next with items in the chest and subsequent procedures.