Help ....Just Got This !!!!


Virus name: Win32:Zafi-B [Wrm]
Original file location: C:\DOCUME~1\ANNETT~1\LOCALS~1\Temp_avast4_\unp2371363\Review.exe
Computer name: BARRETT
Transfer time: 12.06.2004 23:25:21
Modification time: 13.06.2004 04:25:22
Total size: 12800

File ID: 4
Category: 1

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Build 2600) Service Pack 1

When I went into my OutLoook Express to check my mail …I had a warning that my computer had a Virus due to an e-mail that was sent to my from some one I do not know and it went into my inbox …
I put it in my Virus Chest .
PLease tell me how to get rid of this …(( In simple terms since I am not very computer smart ))

Sent the infect file to the Avast Team …did i do right ???

Why was the e-mail not stopped before it got delivered ???

im not really good… but when the virus thing pops up, try moving the virus (click move/rename) and try to delete it manually? (Go to C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast 4\Data\Moved then try deleting the virus there… the file up there is like a trail… if your good with comps, then youll know where) i dont know it MIGHT work… well good luck! sorry i couldnt help much

Thanks …but I am not really that swift with computers either but I did put it in the Virus Chest so I am very hopeful I have contained it until some can help me get rid of it …

What was the filename of the packed file that comes in the email?

okkkkkkkkkk now you lost me …posted everything that i got when i sent the info to the avast team

info of virus

This file could be safely deleted. But it seems that Avast somehow unpacked this and found this worm?
Did you open anything in the mail?
What was the filename for the attachment that you received in your mailbox?

Yeah i got it yesterday over mail too. Nothing to worry about. It was sent directly to chest by predefined command in avast! Pro.
Awake,use silent mode for Internet Mail provider,so you don’t have to click 100 times if you get more infected attachements,but they are still in Chest in case of false positive so you can always review them.

My web mailboxes never got viruses on them so it is not a problem.
In fact, I don’t use any POP based programs.

I have dual layer protection for mail. First its checked by NAV on mail servers and then by avast! on my machine :slight_smile:

For me, the antivirus is done by the mail server itself. With infected mails automatically deleted without notification. >:(
Oh well, no need for any mail scanning providers here. :slight_smile:

Can not remeber what was in e-mail because once I got Pop Up I sent directly to Chest then Deleted the e-mail…How do I start Silent Mode and what are the Advantages …sry about these stupid questions

The Pop was from Avast telling me my Computer had a Virus in it