Help! Just installed 6.0.1203 and My Windows 7 User Account Logon Disappeared

I just upgraded to the current version of Avast! Free. When I rebooted after the install, my user account login icon at the login window was missing! I rebooted in safe mode, and the only two user IDs were the Administrator and my son’s (a standard ID). My normal user ID icon (with administrator privileges) was missing.

Since the ID is part of a Homegroup, I was able to determine that all shared files under that ID are still accessible; however, even when logged in as Administrator, that User Account does not appear in the User Account Manager. I am able to create new accounts–with administrator privileges–but I cannot access any non-shared files on my original user account. I tried a system restore, but it had no effect.

I don’t know if this problem is a direct result of the Avast! upgrade or one of those infinitesimally low-probability coincidences, but any advice on how to restore my user account login would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

:slight_smile: UPDATE: I found a way to get back in to my account at Still no explanation of what caused the problem, though. Immediate crisis has passed and that’s the most important thing, but if the Avast! upgrade might have been the cause, please let me know.