I installed avast! on my macbook (Leopard)
I use mail and now I lost every messages.
When I lunch mail ask me to reimport all messages (I stop because is very long process)
I delet GetRuleScript.txt and mail don’t ask me to reimport messages
I saw alla mailbox but they are empty.
Terrible. who give me money for the time I lost??? :‘( :’( ??? ???
THis is more likely to be a coincidence. I have had the re-import problem whether I had the Avast! script enabled or not. I think it was just a coincidence that it happened when you setup Avast!. I also have a fairly large pile of mail - just have to wait and let it re-import.
How do you turn off the trial home avast on a Mac leopard temporary?
This is definitely not coincidence as it is happening to me. Prior to installing Avast for MAC I had never had an instance of Mail needing to be repaired. Now every time Avast starts and Mail launches I am forced to repair Mail. Its not good and I am afraid has put me off the application. This is a shame as I recommend Avast to friends and family for Windows.
My problem now is uninstalling it !
I sympathise with you :-\
As far as the email goes you can uncheck the box for “mail support”.
- on 10.5, turn off “presistent mode” in preferences first
- quit the application and agent from menu
- delete the /Applications/avast!.app directory
but, I really doubt that the corruption is caused by Avast!, because Avast! doesn’t modify the Mail’s internal database - it only scans (passively) the incoming items.
Anyway, you can uncheck mail support in Preferences (and, optionally, also clean the rule in Mail preferences), and avast will stop scanning your incoming mails. Furthrer, renaming GetRulesScript.txt in /Applications/avast!.app/Contents/Resources to something else (append underscore or so), will stop avast’s interest in Mail definitely. I wonder whether this will help you or not with that effect…
Avast adds a mail rule that calls an AppleScript. If I had to guess the Applescript has a timeout issue or an exception the Applescript is not smart enough to deal with. Anyway remove the Mail.app Rule and your re-indexing issues will go away.
Mail → Preferences → Rules → (Avast something or other Don’t Remove).
If you like me just disabled Avast on startup it does not remove this rule and if you don’t delete the Avast application the AppleScript continues to be called.
Let me refresh this topic: I seem to have the same issue with the need to import my messages once in while and it also happend only after I installed Avast.
Avast team, please try to investigate deeper!
Anyway, it’s only apple-script rule, after all. Offline check that does nothing bad, it’s exactly the same as a manually-added rule that calls anything else. With no (active) rule in mail preferences (and you can check that the rule is deactivated after you click the mailsupport off in avast’s preferences by looking intio mail’s preferences) there no interaction between avast and mail.