Attempting connection to your computer. . .
Shields UP! is now attempting to contact the Hidden Internet Server within your PC. It is likely that no one has told you that your own personal computer may now be functioning as an Internet Server with neither your knowledge nor your permission. And that it may be serving up all or many of your personal files for reading, writing, modification and even deletion by anyone, anywhere, on the Internet!
This is the only bad warning when i do the ‘file sharing’ services… :-\
Is that bad? I mean can you guys realy able to get my files from computer without my permission? ??? ??? ???
If it’s bad, how to block it? i mean disable my computer function… I saw a Server in windows services [control panel - administrative tools - service]. I disable it and recheck with Shield Up! but the warning still the same…
I’m using free zone alarm and FYI i don’t customize the settings coz i no nothing bout firewall ;D
Help me plz…
Shields Up doesn’t usually leave you hanging in the wind, I’m sure that there is information about this vulnerability and what to do to combat it.
Common ones, file and printer sharing enabled, so this in effect would allow someone to share your files if they were able to establish a connection to your computer first.
UPnP (Universal Plug aNd Play), this has nothing to do with the usual PnP and allows sharing devices over the internet. Most people don’t need UPnP. However, it may be required for some P2P programs.
I’d disable UPnP, file sharing, remote registry, ad many more.
FYI i’m using TuneUp Utilities [demo version] and Free Advance Windows Care… Those two program give advice about “do and don’t” needed services…
Do my computer has a crack? Can someone mess with my computer? Lately i do the common port test… My Telnet and FTP are open!!!
Your changes are likely to have improved your security greatly. You can also block NETBIOS activity in your firewall as mentioned in Shields-Up, see the image posted by Watchthisspace. What is there in the image is Information on what can happen, but I would say based on the two tests he is clear.
I don’t think you have been cracked, these are after all tests for potential vulnerability. First they have to find your computer, then they have to get past your firewall and any other security applications.
Now you have made changes run the tests again and read what is reported carefully, if there are any issues check on the site or google it to find out more on how to close any holes.
I recently became aware of a "Services Configuration"
Guide by "Black Viper" that I am slowly going through;
it is at : .
:o :o :o NICE link!!! :o :o :o
Well i’ve one that almost the same from, but it doest have that kind of details… Nice, thanx… i’ll follow the ‘safe’ set plus my old set ^^
Thanx and have a nice day… … … or sleep [like me]