Help me!

Okay i started my PC, looket at Task Manager and found two!


One is used by Jovica (My username)

The other by System

Both are located in System32

SO I have to install again Malware Bytes Anti Malware etc ?

Yes, follow the instructions and attach the logs to your next post.


While it’s scanning here is one question

So they are running but when i shut down one it doesn’t care my PC still runs with no problems

They both located in the same location Same size, one is used by my Username and the other by System.

This is ma MBAM

Log what next ?

FRST and aswMBR next :slight_smile:


And i got some

MBR.dat file should i get that ?

. MBR.dat file should i get that ?
What does the instructions say?

Well it’s big 512 bytes

It’s a DAT file

When i try to open it it asks me whit what I want to open it…

And it’s created in my Downloads.

MBR.dat is a backup of your MBR and although I rarely need to see that sometimes it is useful

There is no apparent malware on the system and the file you are concerned about is legitimate and sometimes the system will run more than one instance

Okay, thanks for helping me…

We have a few staff on holiday at the moment so it may take a tad longer

Okay, I can wait :smiley:

Start with removing IObit.
That company is known for bundling all kinds of things you don’t want/need with their software, including malware.

Yeah Advanced System Care 7 made some kind of malware in my PC. Shouild i remove I0bit Uninstaller too ?

What the heck ?

BlueBirdsInIt ?/

I0bit is containing a crap file named BlueBirdsInIt.exe ?

Eddy shall i remove I0bit Uninstaller too ? Or keep it ?

Remove EVERYTHING from IObit.


How can i uninstall I0bit Uninstaller ?