HELP, my personal site was flagged as a malicious URL

I am working on my portfolio website, and am applying to jobs with it THIS WEEK, starting TOMORROW.

The site is barely even in development, and today Avast said that my URL is malicious.

The URL is:

I don’t understand…there’s barely any scripting, it’s mostly just HTML and CSS… it’s being hosted on my alumni web space at my old college.

I ran it through a scanner and it said my site is “benign”, so what is going on?? I need help on this quick, if I can’t use this URL then I will need to buy a new one asap and update my resume and everything =(

URL:mal means it is on a block list…for whatever reason, does not have to be infected

if you think it is wrong, report it here.
you may add a link to this topic in case they reply here

I’d definitely say it’s wrong… I haven’t used the domain at all since I registered it over a year ago. I’ve been casually developing the index page for a few days, and BAM it’s blacklisted… I’d REALLY like to know the criteria they used for blacklisting it.

The absolute only thing I can think of, is I use URL Frame redirection with my domain name company, so they redirect the URL to my web hosting elsewhere.

Zulu and Sucuri give it clean, use the link provided by Pondus to report a FP.

Now the website can be normally reached without an avast! alert,


The response to my ticket was very fast! Thank you very much…

I’m still troubled that the URL was flagged to begin with, as Asyn pointed out there was nothing fishy going on in the markup.

Hi solarnoise,

The reasons for blocking could be various. Another domain on the same IP could have led to a general IP block. Domain might have appeared in a blacklist of some sort. Main thing is everything should be OK now,
