Help needed - Website blocked

Our website is being blocked by Avast. I have checked at several malware scan sites and cannot see any issues. The domain is hosted with the same company as 3 other domains we own and they don’t have any issue.

No doubt this is losing lots of potential customers, so any guidance would be very much appreciated.


You can report a possible FP here:

blacklisted website (NOT IP!)

Thanks Michael - So 29 have not identified an issue and 1 has, I have previously contacted Avast via their ticketing system, to which I had no response I still don’t know what I need to do to resolve the issue to be honest.

I also ran the website through and it was clean, however it mentions a potential issue with Website Firewall, however I ran 4 other domains through this same tool and the same Firewall protection flags up, so I’m guessing this is just a pitch to get you to buy protection wit them.

I also ran through VirusTotal and out of 6o different scans, only this one, Fortinet has an issue, same as mentions.

Can you advise what I should be doing to resolve the problem as I am unclear what the fix is.


I do not work for Avast!. Only those who are label Avast! Team and have an orange name.

My URLVoid post was simply stating you are blacklisted. I’m no expert at this. I will see if Polonus can spot your issue.

Edit: If you think you’re clean, follow Asyn’s Advice. Also, if Polonus decides to help find your issue through the different scanning tools he has, you shoould note, he is also a volunteer.

I have also since PM’d Milos to respond as he deals with these issues,.

Other scanners also give the site as blacklisted. Try to get that issue solved first: -
See what malware is still alive and up on that site:
OVERDUE! Overdue!1463.3 hrs up and active HTML:Script-inf
It is with your host or previous host and it is related to the blacklisting.
Code hick-up: benign
[nothing detected] (script)
status: ( 5253 bytes fe93d9e3964f7c0782194ee7ea985019d8be5127
info: [decodingLevel=0] found JavaScript
error: undefined variable j
Checking your site I get:
Javascript check:

en/4stars/tp_badge-140.png"); document.write(unescape(“%3cimg src=”+ tpjshost + " alt=trustpilot badge %3e%3c/img%3e")); <div id=“adspace-widget-5” class=“widge…
Note: also read

404 error check:

Suspicious 404 Page:
document.write(unescape(“%3cimg src=”+ tpjshost + " alt=trustpilot badge %3e%3c/img%3e")); <div id="

External links check:
Please check this list for unknown links on your website:

htxps:// → ‘’
htxp:// → ‘b&q’
htxp:// → ‘here’
htxp:// → ‘here’
htxps:// → ‘’
htxps:// → ’ var tpjshost = ((“https:” ==’
htxps:// → ‘smartpricewarehouse reviews’
htxps:// → ‘’

Yes, I see issues flagged. So probably a correct detection, on the other hand it would be good if Milos,
an avast team member, would react as to what the avast webshield and avast web rep block is related.

polonus (volunteer website security analyzer and error-hunter)

Thanks guys for your help on this, very much appreciated . Looking at the information, majority seems to relate to Trustpilot hosted badges and ratings.

Before I do anything I would like to see what Milos suggests.

Thanks again for your input.

Hi Will Tottle,

Additionally you can mail the issue to attn. Milos under reference to this thread here.


Hi, guys, it was false positive and it has been fixed…Sorry for any inconvenience…
Best regards,

Thanks for coming back with the positive news it has been resolved.

Milos, who I was actually about to contact after posting that, was never contacted as I got booted from the site (Stupid network and teacher).

Glad it was fixed!

Hi Will Tottle,

Well good the issue has been solved.
The trustpilot badge issue (error) I have reported, could be taken as an optional minor issue as it is not malign as such.
Stay safe and secure,
