[Help] Phone Stolen

Hello, yesterday my girlfriend’s Galaxy S II was stolen, I had Avast Mobile Security & Antivirus installed on it with the hard-reset-proof feature, and previously checked it and it worked fine.
After it was stolen I’ve tried the Anti-theft options on the website (and continuing to try) and all I get is “Command timed out”. I assumed the thief simply removed the battery and SIM and didn’t connect to any network, until now- when I logged in this morning I saw the Security Status changed to “SECURED”, which yesterday it was on “UNSECURED”.
My guess is that it was UNSECURED because I disabled all AVAST’s antivirus and other features and only left the Anti-Theft on, and now it became SECURED because maybe the thief did factory reset and the app re-installed itself like it should with the hard-reset-proof, and now the anti-virus and other features are back on, so it says SECURED.
The only problem with that theory is that in “Last Communication” it still says “Yesterday (09/20/2013 11:28)” which is before it was stolen, so if the app became SECURED how can it be that it didn’t communicate with the server.
Anyway I keep trying to locate the phone without success, anyone have an idea that can help?

Thanks in advanced.

First of all, report it as stolen with the police. Although they may do nothing with it, it is always good to have it on record.
Mention scratches, names of people you have put in it, pictures and things like that, that can help identify the phone.
It would be really nice if you have the serial number.

Sometimes stolen goods are offered at sites like E-Bay. Check there to see if that type of phone is offered by someone in your area.
You never know if the thief is dumb enough to put it on a site like that.
Checking doesn’t hurt.

Contact the provider, they can make phones (depending on the model) unusable for any simcard.
I don’t know the laws in your country, but sometimes they can even tell you where the phone was last used/turned on.
At least ask the police if they will contact your provider for this.

Thank you for your reply. My GF mom is a cop, so I did what you said about reporting it, although I can’t really imagine they’ll do something with it. I don’t have the s\n but I have the IMEI thanks to Avast, it’s less visible than s\n, but it’s something. I contacted the provider yesterday to lock the SIM, and I’ll try to contact now the company we bought her phone to see if it’s possible to do what you said about locking the phone for other SIMs. Thanks.

You’re welcome.

would like to give a brief update. I got communication back ON with the phone, Avast Mobile security was uninstalled ofcourse, but the Anti-Thief hard-reset-proof feature is simply epic, I didn’t imagine it will actually work that well. He has no idea I’m tracking him and have his exact GPS location. I would go there but it’s in Arabic Palestine area that considered dangerous for Israelis to enter. I’m still trying to work some connections to get it back, but having this ability to receive this information is simply amazing.
Great job Avast!