help please.. before i have to buy a gravestone for my computer :(

From what i can tell i visited a site where there was a iframe, i got a quick pop up saying avast found something, closed page etc then immediately this software or something started loading before i was able to click the cancel. i believe it was called protection security or something like that, it appeared to be a anti virus. i was unable to stop it and the next thing i know its on my desktop and the avast icon in task bar was no longer blue it was kinda grayish with i believe a ! mark on the a. my background was replaced with a warning one that was i think black with blue #s in the background and the warning said something like your infected your wife, husband boss etc can see your files you need to scan your computer etc. i dont know i didnt pay too much attention to what the warning said because i knew it was a virus. so i uninstalled this “protection security” whatever but i couldnt get avast to work… i reinstalled and everytime i did it would give a message saying “windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acess the item”. i tried downloading avg and although i can atleast get it to open, when i hit scan nothing happens. superantispyware cant open at all if i open it… it gives the “end program” message. sooo now as if that wasnt enough… sigh i have no desktop icons, cant right click, have no taskbar and the only way to access anything is through task manager which is also starting to act up because when i ctrl alt del it pops up and closes immediately blinking. i tried opening avast/ reinstalling avast in safemode, same thing happens. i dont know what to do… im not computer savy AT ALL. usually when im having a virus related issue i scan with avast and do a system restore and that seems to fix it… but i dont have either option right now because system restore wont work… at first it would open but all bold dates were deleted so i couldnt choose a different date… and now if it try to open it via task manager its just a white screen. from research online ive realised my explorer.exe file is missing which is apprently why my desktop etc is no where to be found, well its there actually but corrupted, i get the same message i get when i try to open avast. where can i even get that? i wasnt given a restore disk upon purchase of my computer. help please… i dont know what to do.

Is this the program ? If so it probably has deleted important files. I would assume you will need a windows disc to replace them.
You could try a rescue disc to remove the virus. Or try installing, running MBAM in safe mode. Though this may not work
It looks a bit grim

yep that looks like it :frowning: sigh big problem though… i never received a windows disc… apprently it was preinstalled on my computer. windows xp :frowning: so i cant retreive whatever files it has corrupted/infected from a cd. ill try the suggestions youve given… thanks so much. btw anyone know what “google installer & updater” is? i keep getting messages saying it has to close or wont open etc and also for viewmanager or something like that. been reading my manual… is a system recovery worth trying so i will atleast be able to use my computer and not have to chuck it?

If the computer didn’t come with a disc, you may have a rescue partition on your HD, accessed by hitting one of the function buttons during boot (F9, F11, maybe)- check your documentation or Google the brand and model of your computer + “rescue partition”.

Before doing that, back up your documents by booting from a Linux LiveCD and copying the files you want to keep to an external drive. If this sounds too technical, find a friend to do it if you have any geeky friends.

This sort of drive-by download- where the malware infects your computer just by visiting a site- is caused by out of date and insecure software on your computer.

Install Secunia PSI Personal and it will warn you of anything you need to update.

In my manual it says to click f10 for system recovery… is that the same as a “rescue partition”? And not to sound like a complete moron (which i suppose i am) but will this cause me to lose all of my files that ive saved to my computer since ive purchased it? thanks so much for taking the time to help me and give me suggestions guys… i really appreciate you!

just an update… i downloaded malwarebytes but my computer wont let me open it. ive tried in safemode as well as regular mode. i open task manager/file/new task (run…) and browse for it find it and open it but nothing happens.

Yes and maybe- it depends what options you are given. The last computer I restored this way only had an option to over-write all the data, which is why I mentioned the Linux CD- if you can’t copy your files onto an external disc, boot from a Linux CD- you should be able to see your files and copy them to an external drive.

Slim chance, here, but it may work if you rename “MBAM.exe” to something else.
Sometimes the malware that disables/prevents the running of known security programs ID’s the program by name.
Try renaming it to tida.exe (or something randomish) and run it by double clicking the renamed file twice. (The start menu shortcut won’t work once it’s been renamed.)
The file is normally found in the malwarebytes folder in C:\Program files.

uhmmm i have no idea what a linux cd is. i cant copy any files at all so thats definately something i should look into if i can figure out how to get it going since my computers really ify right now. thanks for the suggestions freewheelinfrank. ill give your suggestion a try also tarq57 thanks… pray for me guys, i need it and thanks so much for the help.

Do you have access to another non-infected computer with a cd burner fitted?
A linux disk, as far as I know (I’ve never used one) is basically an OS bootable from the disk, that, cut a long story short, you can run as the OS, but navigate to files on the hard drive and move (and save) them.

Also worthy of consideration might be a BART disk.
Avast have one (pay for) and free offerings are available. See This post (by Tech) for links.
Basically you need to go to the page linked to and follow the instructions. Having a semi-geek handy would make it easier. Having a fully qualified nerd at hand would make it a breeze.
Good luck with the renaming.