Help Please - How do I temporarily disable anti-virus on a managed machine?

I have the SBS suite and am using ADNM to manage everything. How do I turn off (disable) the anti-virus software on an individual machine (temporarily) so that I can do a software install?


If you are logged into the client machine, right-click on the avast icon in the system tray and enter the password (which is configured in ADNM – right-click “Computer Catalog”, choose Properties, and select Service under “Policies: avast! Antivirus”).

Then a context menu will appear and you can choose “Pause Provider” or “Stop Provider” to stop individual services (probably you only need to disable “Standard Shield”), or you can “Stop On-Access Protection” to completely disable Avast.

You can then use the same context menu to re-enable the provider or Avast in general, or just log out of the machine. The next machine a user logs in Avast will start up as normal.

When I right click on the avast icon in the system tray (on any of the client machines) there is no pop up menu… no way to enter a password…

Am I missing something?


Thanks bslorence! I figured it out based on your reply.

thanks again.