Look at the image, where there should be “open” or “abrir” there appears lots of characters instead.
It happened after a friend used my computer to open a file from his USB Portable Media Device.
From what i read on another forum (http://www.g2project.com/blog/articulo/396/eliminar-sxsexe-y-autoruninf/ ), its supposed to be a virus called W32.WORM/Pasobir, but my antivirus didn’t find it. (I’m using avast! 4 home, fully updated, the virus database is from this same day).
Also in that forum says a metod to eliminate the virus/worm. But it doesnt work, perhaps that virus isn’t the problem, but avast didn’t find anything wrong when i fully scan my sistem.
There are no other symptoms or malfunctions on my computer, just those characters when you do a right click over a hard disk, or another storage device (such as USB)
I asking for someone who knows about it, and can help me.
If someone needs more information, i would give it gladly.
PS: Sorry for my bad english, as you can see i speak spanish.
I just runned a symantec tool to remove W32.Pasobir… however it said that there where no infections by that virus in my computer…
So, i don’t know whats happening with my computer @_@, avast didn’t find anything, my antispyware didn’t find anything, other tools didn’t find anything, but my options on the emergent menu keep showing characters.
It could be a new variant that avast! and Symantec don’t detect. You could try a few online scans and see if any of the anti-virus companies are picking it up. I’d recommend Trend Micro, F-Secure, Panda and BitDefender. You’ll need to disable avast! while scanning otherwise you might get some false alarms.
But, there is no more a problem.
Somehow the virus affected my sys32 files, and i was unable to log in my windows session, not even in safe mode. So i had to format my HD…
u.u…i hope avast! will add a way to eliminate this virus, or detect it within the next virus data base updates.