Help please on installing Avast Cleanup on second computer

I just bought Clean up for 3 computers. I downloaded the exe file and installed it on my PC and had no problem. I use Windows 10
My second computer runs Windows 7. (Wife’s computer) I forwarded the email I got from Avast that has the download link and installed it on this computer.
I ran the program and it scanned and showed all the item needed fixing.
When I clicked on fix it took me to a purchase screen showing prices for the program.
I already paid for the program for 3 PC’s
There is no place for my to enter the activation code on the Avast cleanup I installed on my wife’s PC
I could not find a fix in the FAQ’s
What can I do to get the program working on my second PC?


Our system shows that you have only installed it on 1 device thus far- can be installed on two more Windows devices.
Seeing that both devices are Windows - Cleanup’s UI will be the same.
If you open Avast Cleanup > go to Menu > My licenses

Thanks for your response.

I have uninstalled the product from my wife’s computer
restared the computer
reinstalled Clean up

When I open Clean up it goes right to an option to begin a scan (or skip)
Nowhere on the opening screen is a provision to enter the activation code.
On my originial install on my computer there was a menu icon to click on so I could enter the code
This does not show on my second install on my other computer

If I do run a scan on my other computer it gives me a list of the problems to solve but when I choose to solve these problems I am taken to a purchase screen (the one that I used to buy the product for multiple PC’s

Something is missing and I cannot figure out what to do to get the activation code on my second computer.

Please help me get this done…thank you for your help

Update from Preston15:
“I got the program installed on my other PC. The problem was the screen resolution on the PC…”