Cojo, this happens more than once?
Did you boot after the error and try again?
I’m not sure, and could be completely wrong, but I think some Windows service does not start when it should do. Maybe the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) service. Again, I’m not sure but if the error does not appear again, let’s not worry too much.
If rebooting as Technical recommended did not fix the problem, then I would do a Diskscan and Defrag. You have had some nasty problems over the last few weeks, and things may have gotten scrambled inside the memory. Also, you may have developed a boot sector problem which diskscan usually can fix.
I followed techie’s suggestions and it has not happened again…it’s a “Dell” thing…
and I did a through scan and boot scan, defragged, scan disk, and changed the folder names…
working goo now
thank you again for the help! yes, you also Technical 8)
i'm very happy you succeed but anybody can tell why a defragmentation and scan disk could correct such this error?
It was not only the diskscan and defrag that jCojo needed, but renaming the files as well. The files notifyalert and mg are used by Dell for some of it’s advanced internal features that are not used for regular operation. Renaming the files prevented the attempted execution which had failed for some reason in Cojo’s computer.
I recommend running a Diskscan to check a hard drive for errors which the Diskscan function can repair in most cases, especially in the boot sector which can cause a variety of troubles. A Defrag normally should be run every month or if you add/remove/change or delete a lot of files or programs regularly. It helps put things in the best position for system access and improves speed. Believe it or not, a computer can “loose” where things are…thus a defrag.
Hope this answers your question
and the MR. Techie is not necessary. Techie is fine.
Glad to have you on the forum.
Cojo, if you could not delete the files, why don’t you use the ‘Move on Boot’ application that I have already suggested for you? You will find the link for downloading it at my ‘links’ page, you know…
to be honest…I never thought of deleting them because I was afraid it would mess something up! with the XXXs, at least they would be there if I did end up needing them.
A general rule to follow is never delete anything unless you are absolutely sure you can do so without causing other problems.
Renaming allows you to go back and easily change things.
What I suggested, and what you did were the best course of action.
Move on Boot is an excellent program, but you need to be careful using it!
you seem to be a very good person? do you know the others members personally? just between you and I, where is the best place to receive some help if you need?
Ogw, you are at the right place to get help! ;D
After a few time you will notice how is the ‘atmosphere’ of the forums: help and be helped! We are a great family! Stay with us! Cojo can bake you some cookies, can’t she?