I am new to this board so I hope I am doing this right.
I am having the same problems that Trilliantestes posted. I dont know what I am suppose to do.
I d-loaded avast about 1 week ago.
I am in a panic on what I am suppose to be doing with these viruses I have.
Any help will be appreciated, and I " thank you" in advance.

I also have the code red virus.

What OS do you use, where does Avast find what kind of Malware (location?) ? Whats the exact name of “your” code red?

How many viruses did avast find? And what are there full file names and paths? What OS are you using?

Hi YaBB,

how about checking the date on the last posting in a topic, and then perhaps refrain from filling all threads with an answer of yours ?
It’s very irritating/confusing for people who check the board looking for “NEW” items…
Just an idea, ok ? :wink: :wink: