Okay - I’ve had Avast for awhile and tried to figure this out on my own, but haven’t gotten anywhere.
I have several programs that Avast seems to interfere with and/or recognize as a virus, but they are not. Some of these programs are ones that are supposed to run all the time in the background on my computer.
When Avast recognizes these files/programs, there are only options for deleting or moving to the chest, etc. I used to use McAfee and there was an option to ‘ignore’ that indicated that this was a program or file that I trusted and it would not alert me again. I cannot seem to find an option for this, but I am not a programmer and perhaps am looking right at it and just not understanding what I am seeing.
Advice and direction would be immensely appreciated.
Yes, without your system specifications, and brief list of what you run on your system, it’s almost impossible to give any kind of answer. I run tens of “background” tasks and avast! never reported any of those applications as malicious. So, tell us what are those names, and send zipped examples to Vlk or someone from Alwil team.
Are you 100% sure those are not really infected onesd ? We can’t be so sure always… That’s why we have antivirus, to warn us when possible malicious code runs on penetrates our systems…
One program I can think of offhand is my MyPoints ‘PointAlert’ program.
It is supposed to tell me any time I am on a site that is a MyPoints member.
That is the kind of program I’m talking about.
Unfortunately, I can’t remember most of them as this has been a running problem over a year or two that I just haven’t dealt with until now as they are not vitally important programs or anything.
There was a Neilsen reporting system that I had trouble with as well.
There is a program called ShopMetrics that is a software program to allow me to file reports online with the company I work for but download and upload all the info instead of having to work on the site. That way I make sure I can save the info on my computer as I go, etc. But I seem to be unable to submit the photographs unless I do the report via thier website. Their tech support said that they have found this problem is usually because of a Firewall program, but I don’t think I’m running one so I am not sure if it might have something to do with Avast.
I’m sorry - I am a proficient user and have taught myself how to use most of the programs that I know, but when it comes to the inner workings, program relationships, etc. I am pre-beginner! ;D
Choose your country of residence, click GO, and then you have to wait until it downloads latest definitions and updates engine. Choose all drivers (partitions) you want to check, and check your system. At least it, will tell you right away if something strange is nested in your system.
Also, it would be great if you can post some screenshots of avast! messeges you get on the screen when it finds something you mentioned in your initial post in this thread… it can help a lot, believe me…
I presume you are aware of the exclusions lst available in Avast settings(see pic)
but if your problems are web page /internet related then im sure someone from the Alwil team would be interested to know and advise why .