Help please

I posted this in the windows updates topic and sorry for reposting again but I have 19 important updates to install but when I click on install it starts installing windows 10. I’m not ready to upgrade yet so I don’t know how to install the other updates without installing win 10.

Any advice would be appreciated.

why don’t you let windows do its security updates at its set time by itself

Security updates has no set time.


as usuall you are fiddling with something you dont understand didley about
the ideal computer for you would be a chromebook

Remove the tick from the update that is trying to install 10 :slight_smile:

I don’t have the option to do that now.

It is not preparing to install 10 otherwise you would get a different warning

I installed all of the updates and thank goodness, win 10 wasn’t installed.

Then your not going to enjoy win10 as far as I have read so far windows 10 updates will be automatic, no notify and wait and the user selects what and when to install.

Business users will have a choice of what and when, so the windows 10 consumer will be the business guinea pigs to see what updates break things. I’m just wondering if a user gets Win10 Pro, that would be considered a business OS.

I have home premium and can defer updates

•Some Windows 10 editions let you defer upgrades to your PC. When you defer upgrades, new Windows features won’t be downloaded or installed for several months. Deferring upgrades doesn’t affect security updates. Note that deferring upgrades will prevent you from getting the latest Windows features as soon as they’re available.

That is somewhat more reassuring that the articles I have read.

This is the settings page

Thanks for that.

Even if updates are left to full Automatic the system automatically defers the restart to 3.30am the following day if not being used, it’s not as bad as what all the complainers make out to be.

Merry Christmas Pondus.

Unless you happen to be paranoid. (No offense meant Paranoid. :slight_smile: )