Help: Problems with IE7 and (not related, I think) Safe Mode

Heya guys !!

Alright, so, I am unable to change the security settings in my IE7, even though I am administrator. I believe this is a result of using the programs Harden-It ( and Secure-It ( (fairly recent usage, 1 month ago). I realized after I used them that both are largely outdated (2005 programs) and I couldn’t even check or edit my IE7 security settings. At first, I though it was okay since I didn’t need to change my settings. But now, I feel like I must confirm if my settings are the same (since even SpywareBlaster pointed out an unsafe setting that I previously amended).

So, because the settings needed administrator privileges, I tried to log onto the default WinXP Admin account.

So I booted up to Safe Mode, and it appeared. However, I kinda forgot the password, and entered the wrong one. BUT !! The system suddenly rebooted. At first, I thought it was my fault for entering the wrong password, triggering a safeguard.

After self rebooting a few times, I noticed that I couldn’t even log onto my own account. Heck, it even self rebooted after waiting for a fair 20 seconds !!

So, any ideas, guys ? Is there a registry tweak/change that I can make to allow me to touch IE7 ? How about the safe mode problem (NOTE: this happened after a Windows Update, can that do anything to the system) ?

Thanks very much, guys !! I really appreciate it.

I also noticed that another of my custom security settings have been changed: Meta Refresh (disabled). Now, it seems to be enabled since forum pages redirect me after logging in … Is there anyway that I can get into my IE7 security settings and change them ?

Anyone got a clue to whats wrong?

Is there anyway that I can correct my Safe Mode and IE7 problems? If I don’t have safe mode, then I cannot get into IE7 settings (without administrator-level changes).

Might there be a 3rd party program that allows me to enter IE7 settings with full permissions? Is there a registry tweak?


Hmmm… Can you use system restore?
Did you make a registry backup with ERUNT?

Unfortunately, it seems that my system restore points has been deleted since then …

Think there might be something else?

At least I am going to do a complete reinstall of XP soon (in about a month) with nLite. So, let’s hope that will do the thing.

And let’s hope that IE7 doesn’t get on my nerves (I’ll be using Firefox for safety) and hope that I won’t have a need for safe mode by then … :wink:

Take a look into ERUNT and get used to backup your registry :wink:

I’ve heard of ERUNT before, but never saw a use for it. Now I will definitely use it :slight_smile: . I have a few questions on using the program:

I see that it’s last update is 2005. Does that have any major impact on the performance and usability of program?

How exactly does it work? Is the GUI nice? Is the process fast and quick?

Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.

Essentially there is no difference in its task to back-up the registry so if the functionality to back-up the registry hasn’t changed then the program doesn’t need to change.

It isn’t like most programs where updates are more bells and whistles than functionality.

I haven’t used the tool that often (as I have hard disk imaging to do that task) and there isn’t a GUI, you run the program, up pops the setup for the back-up location and what to back-up, click OK and its done very quickly. So you could say its easy to use as I have just run it for the images.

It works on Vista perfectly. Don’t worry about the updates. There isn’t (I’m not aware of) a better and reliable registry backup tool.

You can run it manually like David said.
You can configure a command-line to do it automatically.
You can use Windows Tasks to schedule a backup of your registry.

It’s simple… just popups and a progress bar.

For a full backup of the registry? Yes.

Quote from: Happy-Dude on Yesterday at 06:21:50 PM Is the process fast and quick? For a full backup of the registry? Yes.
Is it faster than simply using regedit ??? Does it back up anything that can't be done utilizing regedit ???

From what I understand about RegEdit exporting, when you import it back, it only REPLACES the registry values to the ones you put back in.

It does not get rid of anything new that’s inside the registry, lets say, a rootkit or something of that sort.

Or am I wrong?

Bob, Regedit can’t import keys and values in use. Have you already performed an importation of your own registry? It’s a mess. ERUNT works 100%.
It saves the hives and not .reg file.

The size is smaller, the reliability is greater.

You’re right. Neither ERUNT will change the registry keys (oh, it defragment the files only…).