help! proxy settings not working


I am new to Avast, heard many good comments… I have installed the latest version but I can’t seem to connect the internet to update Avast.

my computer is on network which connects through a http proxy address with the port address “3128”, usually using the IE or firefox, there is a pop up where i am require to authenticate.

so in the avast setting under Update “connection” >proxy server> autodetect, this doesn’t work for me, so I did >proxy server> specify proxy> put in the required address and port and under authenication using first Basic and then NTLM with the right username and password, it still wouldn’t connect to the update server.
I have also turnoff the firewall and still no difference

any ideas on how to solve this issue??


thanks in advance

Which firewall do you use?
Into the firewall settings, the following programs should be allowed to connect:

C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashWebSv.exe (avast! Web Scanner)
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashMaiSv.exe (avast! e-Mail Scanner Service)
C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\avast.setup (avast! Update executable). This is a temporary file that just appears when an update (check) is about to launch, and disappears again afterwards.

Which is your operational system?

I am using Vista home basic SP1… firewall is the windows firewall, I have entered the programs u listed as exceptions and still there is a problem, Avast still doesn’t connect with my proxy server.

Please, post the last 200-250 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\Setup.log

31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general Started: 31.05.2008, 19:47:06
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general Running setup_av_pro-491 (1169)
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 system Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6001, sp 1.0 [Service Pack 1]
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 system Memory: 75% load. Phys:256188/1038012K free, Page:720136/2344672K free, Virt:2032852/2097024K free
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 system Computer WinName: CHRISTIANMAC-PC
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 system Windows Net User: ChristianMac-PC\Christian Mackenzie
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general Cmdline: /refresh /noreboot /updatevps /verysilent /sfx
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_INSTALL_PACKAGES
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general DldSrc set to sfx
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general Old version: 491 (1169)
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 system Using temp: C:\Users\CHRIST~1\AppData\Local\ (4627M free)
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 system Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4 (4627M free)
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 internet SYNCER: Proxy
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 internet SYNCER: Type: standard HTTP proxy (rfc2616,2617)
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 internet SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 package Part prg_av_pro-491 is installed
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 package Part vps-8053100 is installed
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 package Part news-4b is installed
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 package Part setup_av_pro-491 is installed
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 package Part jrog-36 is installed
31.05.2008 19:47:06.000 1212223626 general Old version: 491 (1169)
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 file SetExistingFilesBitmap: 1054->154->154
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 general GUID: 3210ff11-3831-4f73-b3a7-f30e17a8edb8
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 general SelectCurrent: selected server ‘tmp sfx storage’ from ‘sfx’
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package GetPackages - set proxy for inet
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 internet SYNCER: Proxy
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 internet SYNCER: Type: standard HTTP proxy (rfc2616,2617)
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 internet SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 internet SYNCER: Proxy l/p: students\s01003520/***
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 general Entering:UpdateInstallPackages
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-3c returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartInfo: news = news-4b returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartInfo: program = prg_av_pro-4b1 returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_av_pro-4b1 returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartInfo: vps = vps-8053100 returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\Setup\prod-av_pro.vpu ended with 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-prg_av_pro-491.vpu’ returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-vps-8053100.vpu’ returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-news-4b.vpu’ returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-setup_av_pro-491.vpu’ returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package WARN:LoadPartVpu ended on no pInfo
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package LoadPartVpu: Loading ‘part-jrog-36.vpu’ returned 00000000
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package IsFullOkay: vps-8053100.vpu - is okay
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package IsFullOkay: vpsm-8053100.vpu - is okay
31.05.2008 19:47:07.000 1212223627 package ArePartsInstallable: 1
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 package vps: updated [8053100]
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4*.*
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH*.*
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HELP*.*
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ENGLISH\HtmlData*.*
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 file Fix security on: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\images*.*
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 system RemoveFileAcess(C:\Windows\system32\OleAcc.dll), SetNamedSecurityInfo returned 0x00000005
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 system RemoveFileAcess(C:\Windows\system32\psapi.dll), SetNamedSecurityInfo returned 0x00000005
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 package Transferred: files 0, bytes 0, time 0 ms
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 package Retries: total 0, files 0, servers 1
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 file NeedReboot=false
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 general Return code: 0x20000000 [Something done]
31.05.2008 19:47:15.000 1212223635 general Stopped: 31.05.2008, 19:47:15

Are you logged as an administrator?
I see error 5, which means access denied.
Besides this, I see nothing wrong with your log…

I am the sole administrator on this computer.

but I finally fixed it, I decided to install a new firewall (COMODO), and installed a flesh new avast install, I don’t what fixed it but it is now correctly connecting to the internet and updating

thanx for the help