HELP! Recover my Inbox/Outbox file!!!

HELP!!! I was using Avast for the first time and running a thorough scan… and it found some JS:Seaker-Ie and Vbs:Redlof in my Inbox.dbx and Outbox.dbx files…
Avast couldn’t repair them so without thinking I moved them to the Chest. Now I can’t view any of the emails and it’s a huge problem!!

What should I do??

Well, I ended up just recovering them, replacing existing files.
it worked for Sent.dbx but when I tried to do the same to Inbox.dbx I got an error message:
FileID: 0000000004 Program cannot copy the following file: c:\WINDOWS\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook Express\Inbox.dbx (Original filename: Inbox.dbx )
—>Description: The process cannot access the file because

What to do ??

Please help!

Cannot access the file because of WHAT? :slight_smile:

because… just because?! :stuck_out_tongue: It just stopped there…
but i figured it was cos i had outlook express open… oops
so i restored those 2 files…

So what do i do now? I am now running those infected inbox/sent files…

Any suggestions??

Maybe the messages are already deleted… did you “compact the folders” (or whatever is the name of the operation in Oulook)?

well, avast said it couldn’t clean them or something… so i’m guessing it’s the exact same infected file as before… except now it’s no longer in the virus chest…

no i didn’t compact my folders…

thx for replying, btw!