Help required

Hy there!
I started to make a web page to a scool, but Avast using PC-s cannot open the page because of “suspicious source code”…
The Web-storage’s operator checked all the files, and he said there ios no error or virus ! So, please DO something, because only avast is crying… and that page is important to the scool…

what is the URL… and what does avast say?

you may attach a screenshot of the avast warning…

That’s all!

URL:Mal means URL or IP is on a blacklist for whatever reason…

Blacklisted by Bitdefender

Bitdefender and Kaspersky

if you think this is wrong, you can report it to avast lab here
you may add a link to this topic in case they reply here

Sorry for strong language, but this is soooo f**** cool!!!

Bitdefender and kaspersky… >:(

What the hell can i do? Contact them? (How?)

That you find Out on there website. :wink:

Thanks! after the post i realized ;D
Thanks all :slight_smile: