I think i might be in a bit of trouble… I completed all the steps you gave me to this point… under item #4 Reboot your computer. Double-click on the saved file to install the update.
At that point 2 things happened…
when i rebooted I got this error message “Updates from HP is unable to access it data directory. It is eithre invalid or unreachable, or there is another program accessing it.”
when i double click on the java update i saved to my desck top I am getting this message from windows " windows cannot open this file:
File: 1213290065220 - intregrated jave - 6u6.jnlp
to open this file, windowsa needs to know what program created it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from list of programs on your computer. Wat do I want to do?
I tried to use “use the web service to find the appropriate program” option to find it but for some reason i have been having trouble with my internet explorer as well. When i try to use it thru clicking on the option here… or even when i try to click on download sited you ahve given me the windows explorer stays a white page with no address in the address bar. If i put the address in maually the internet explorer will work fine… So for that reason the option of letting the computer find it did not work for me… so i am kinda at a stand still I think until i hear back from you… I will not proceed with 5 until you tell me what i need to do to complete all of step 4.
grrrr frustrating!
thank you for you help
Susie and not always so sasy!!
Then start here and do any steps you need to. It looks like you are up to the install. So please download the correct file and see what happens.
Scroll down and click on Windows Offline Installation,
Save the file jre-6u6-windows-i586-p-s.exe to your desktop;
Do not select Run . Do not install it yet.
The HP update error could be several small things, such as it tries to get the updates before an internet connection is established or the firewall blocks it. Is this ongoing, occasional, new?
Ok I did the java updates with the new address you gave me and it worked fine.
As to the hp update error i spoke of that was the first time i have seen it, but when i just now rebooted when i removed the Adobe Reader 6 as you instructed in thred #19 item list #5… i did not get that message again… so maybe it was an isolated incident.
but… a problem im having, n thread #19 list of things for me to do #5… the address you gave me for version 8.1.2 to replace my adobe 6… http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewConten...ternalId=327675. I get this page cannot be displayed… is there another address i could use for that?
I am still having trouble with my microsoft Internet explorer. An example is then i click on the avast ball, about Avast, user forum: http://forum.avast.com, i get a page but it is blank and the adress line is blank… but at the top it says Mircorsoft Internet Explorer…there have been several cases when i click on a given address it won’t come up… its making me go to a new window and paste the address in there and then it will go to the site… this is a problem I did not have before the new virus hit me… do you think it is related and is there anything I can do about it… I hope how i eplained it made any sense at all to you.
you said in thread #19 that you could tell from the time and date of the files we removed that it looked my my trojans came from a utorrent download. What is that exactly so i don’t do it again!
Ill wait to hear back from you so I can see if i can get an address i can use for the adobe update… right now i have the old one uninstalled… i did that before i knew i would not be able to access the address for the new one you gave me.
Ok Ill watch for a post. Take care and ty once again
Hi, the link above is working. I’m going to check the other links I posted for you and see what’s going on with them. Work on the adobe, I’ll post back later.
edit to add:
Ok, the problem was with my links. They are all working now. This should eliminate that problem with your browser.
Utorrent is P2P program for downloading things. These are the lines from your combofix log.
Thank you for your help… most things are back to normal other than Im still having troubles with Microsoft Internet Explorer. But I can work around that if there isn’t anything else i can do.
Ill try to keep out of trouble but I am not sure what I even did this time ugh! I did download Winpatrol and Spywareblaster… Hope fully it will help me.
Let me know if there is anything you think I need to do… other wise take care and ty for being so kind and helpful.
Use OpenDNS. OpenDNS protects millions of people a day across hundreds of thousands of schools, businesses and homes. We block phishing sites, give you the power to filter out adult sites and proxies among more than 50 categories, and provide the precision to block individual domains.
Explain a little more of the problem you are having with IE. Do the links I posted now work properly and is it just the avast link from “About Avast” that is not working?
Hi Oldman,
For the most part all seems to be working fine except I am still having touble with IE. The links you gave me the second time did all work. I still am having trouble with the About Avast… when i click on that nothing comes up but an empty adress…are others having the same trouble? When i tpye the actual adress in the bar I get here just fine. My computer is running a bit slower but I am figuring that could be from some the extra protection you had to add to my computer and if it keeps me safe then I don’t mind slow at all.
Was there anything else I needed to do… i thought we were pretty much all done. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner but life has been crazy busy the last few weeks.
Thanks for your time once again
The link works for me, opens the avast home page in my default browser (firefox 3.0).
However my firewall did chime in asking if it was OK for ashDisp.exe to do this, so perhaps you need to check your firewall and see if it is blocking ashDisp.exe from launching other applications with a URL, etc.
It not just the link from Avast… its odd its not all links but there are some that when i try to click on them when my IE page comes up the address line is blacnk and the page is a white blank page. The programs I downloaded Oldman were ones you said i should have… they were WinPartol, and i downloaded Malwarwbytes as well. I have those now. I also still have Atf cleaner still on the computer… should I have those? Im not sure if any of those items would have my computer running so slow… at times it seems to be ok but then at others it seems to almost freeze up. Just not sure what is still going on with it… do you think i am at a point i need to take it in to ahve ot looked at?
You are all so kind and helpful it is very much apprecitaed… I think this is the greatest site every and have told many about you. Your awsome!
Thank you once again
I kindaq left this all hanging but ever since this last incident im not sure it ever was completly resolved. Cound there been more the the visus still hiding?? I still and have continued to have issues with not being able to access all sites by clicking on an address. My computer is running very slow since the last trojan incident. Also I know have 3 seperate java icons down on my too, bar… why would those just appear? If anyone as any suggestion for me please let me know… i sent this as a reply so you all could see what we had done to this point.
Thank you