I am getting this warning from Avast every time I go to the Sisal.it site.
I wrote to them and they said it depends on my computer.
How can I do to remove this url:scam ?
Thanks for the help
Best regards
It is not in your computer it is on the website
I am getting this warning from Avast every time I go to the Sisal.it site.https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/sisal.it
I get access denied trying to go there
Thanks for the reply, sorry here is the correct link :
This is what my iPad say
Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access “hxxp://www.sisal.it/scommesse-matchpoint” on this server.
Reference #18.e74d2417.1715614827.5230752
Sucuri. Our automated scan was unable to run on your website.
First URLs to suspect sites, should be broken (as I have in the quoted text) to avoid accidental exposure.
Second - if you are getting this alert when visiting the sisal.it/scommesse-matchpoint page/site then there is a redirect on that page to the, push-eu-central-2/kumulos.com/v2/config?tenentld=xxxx Which Avast considers a URL:Scam.
Given what Pondus reported, I tried to connect and not only was I able to get through, Avast Didn’t alert.
See attached screenshot.
URLscan Io give screenshot of website
Good morning thank you for the posts regarding my problem.
I would like to inform you that this morning the URL:SCAM screen no longer appears and everything seems to be resolved.
You’re welcome.
still something strange with that site as i get access denied from iPad/Safari and Chromebook/Chrome
Down for evryone or just me: say it is down https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/sisal.it
Is it down right now: say it is down https://www.isitdownrightnow.com/sisal.it.html
And Sucuri can not scan it https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/www.sisal.it