Hi all
I have a little problem with Avast! pro 4.7. 942
When I open Avast! sample user interface, everytime Avast! help window appearce there, I tick Don’t show this window next time, but all times when I start Avast! help window is there!
Somebody knows how to fix this ?
See http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=1647.msg10262#msg10262
[Simple] section of avast4.ini file.
will hide the help at startup. Maybe you have to boot.
Thanks I fixed it
I have another problem with sounds…
When vps is updated or virus is detected Avast! don’t play sounds…
In settings there is deactivated test sounds button… :-\
Check your avast Sound options on Program settings.
I cheked it already, I have enabled sounds, but…
Did you click ‘Settings’ and check one by one?
Yes of course I cheked it one by one…
Strange… I don’t use sounds but when I go there and click over the file, it plays :
I have also other problems, I will post it in different thread.
Problem solved !
What did you do to resolve the problem, it may help other in the future viewing this topic.
It’s good to know that besides the appearance, the Antikill feature also changes the sounds behavior.
Igor, will this stay this way or it will be implemented a better function in avast 5? It will be a pity have to lose avast features in order to use the AntiKill security… :
Thanks for the feedback.
A very strange occurrence and something that I’m sure they will be working on. I think some would have hoped that the original beta code drop anti-kill for version 5.0 would have been updated and released again. Those using the beta code drop certainly found a few things.