Help with Beagle Gen 4 worm

I am running Windows XP with Avast Home version 4.6.691 and database version 0533-1. The software detected (via an on demand scan) the following virus/worm:

C:\Documents and Settings\BOB\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Outlook.pst\Personal Folders\Top of Personal Folders\Deleted Items\Unknown\Increase_in_the_tax.rar\Taxes.exe[PeX] [L] Win32:Beagle-gen4 [Wrm] (0)

Recommended action was to move to virus chest which I tried to do but got error message - same for repair option.

I have ran the Avast cleaner which does not recognize it. I have also run the Trend and Ravanti scanner which also do not recognize it.

Any guidance would be appreciated.


Best way to clean it is to open MS Outlook,locate this exe file in your mails and delete it with mail itself. I’m not sur if avast! can clean from PST mail “archives”.

Just empty/compress the “Deleted Items” folder - it will get rid of the infected message.

The on-demand scan really cannot delete the worm itself, because actions are not supported for files archived in a .PST file.

Exercise extreme care here or you could lose the .pst file (all your emails), unfortunately avast can’t extract an infected email from the .pst file (an Outlook database file containing multiple emails, etc.).

This would appear to have been on your system to be detected with the on-demand scan rather than the resident on-access email scan, which would have stopped it getting into your inbox, etc.

From the Location you gave this is already in the Deleted Items folder, manually clear the Outlook Deleted Items folder and this should remove it. Then do another on-demand scan to confirm it is gone.

Thanks everyone. I am now clean!

Glad we could help, welcome to the forums.