Help with compareing Avast internet security to kaspersky internet security

If anyone can give me some help deciding to stay with avast internet security or to switch to Kaspersky internet security i would appreciate it. I went to AV-Comparatives and others and they all test the avast free antivirus, not the avast internet security. So, how can i find out if avast internet security is what i should stay with or should i switch to kaspersky (kis), bitdefender,or something else? (Note: that all of these indepenent testing sites list avast free antivirus as being tested not (AIS) so is it a fare comparison or is there no difference?) Its almost time to renew so please give me some help finding info and recommendations on staying or switching to something else ASAP, thank you.

what answer do you think you will get from avast forum …hmmm ::slight_smile:

you may ask in Wilders Security forum…

but expect to have just as many different answers as there are users in that forum, so it is really up to you to decide :wink:

If you compare the free version with the other paid AV’s you cannot go far wrong as AIS just has the nice bells and whistles, Firewall… Safe Zone… Sandbox etc

But the detection rates are the same for all Avast variants and all include streaming updates, automatic updating

Does that help any ?

It helps some, with the info that all variants of avast have the same virus detection. This active chart gives alot of comparisons and actual test results from varius companys, its worth looking at.