Help with driver updates

I need some direction with driver updates. I’ve been using SlimDrivers with some hiccups.Tried DriverMax but alot of their stuff is unsigned-will this fudge my system?Or conflict with SlimDrivers? My OS is a Dell Lat d620 with XP Pro.Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

welcome to the forum. what problem do you have with your drivers?

usally it should be fine just to go to the driver and check them if the are online.

Thank you for the response.I am somewhat new to this stuff. My USB ports have become problematic.I would love to use DriverMax,but as I had posted-some of their drivers are not signed.So,that being said-I am extremely skeptical.I have had enough problems with this prehistoric system.I have to use the freeware stuff because of a medical hardship.


I just was browsing the web for your computer.

i found this :slight_smile:

on that page there is a “Analyze System for Updates” button click that.

then click “Yes, I agree” and follow it.

this should find the drivers.


Hello BLAAG,

I’ve just noticed your email address is being displayed under your nickname. You may want to hide it just to avoid spam.
If I remember correctly (maybe someone else will confirm this), you can hide your email address unticking Allow users to email me in Profile/Account Settings.


Thank you T for that helpful bit of info,my mistake. Anthony,thank you for seeking that out,but for some reason it does not work.I have manually retrieved a few drivers on my own and through SlimDrivers.The Dell website says cannot find my service tag.I even tried Intel and it scanned for over an hour.So I just shut it down.Could there be some other issue???

I use Slimdrivers for periodic checks.

However, as with all of these updaters, check on the web before installing anything suggested by the program. I’ve used it successfully to update some device drivers but on a few occasions, decided to do some research and not install the suggestions.

Its not failsafe or foolproof but handy on occasions. Pretty much the same as most software then really.


If your computer is that old there is no need to update the Drivers unless you are having a problem with one of them. If you are not having a problem then leave as is.

You are correct, Tetsuo, and spambots are always visiting public forums, of which this is one, looking for email addresses.
So, if you are showing or posting your email address on any forum, you are just begging for spam email.

Thank you folks for your responses.Greatly appreciated-Can’t be to careful.Apparently I was caught with pants down.Won’t happen again.Now,anymore suggestions on driver updates?Has anyone used Drivers For Free?And will DriverMax conflict with SlimDrivers?

Thank you for the response.I am somewhat new to this stuff. My USB ports have become problematic.I would love to use DriverMax,but as I had posted-some of their drivers are not signed.So,that being said-I am extremely skeptical.I have had enough problems with this prehistoric system.I have to use the freeware stuff because of a medical hardship.

What problems are you having with them?

Just about every driver from DMax is unsigned-Don’t know if I trust them.Tried to update my Sigma Tel audio and it screwed up.Now my USB ports are acting odd.Says they are working but it won’t read my flashdrive.Now my CD Drive is acting up.Anymore suggestions?Thanks in advance.

  1. Click on Start and then Control Panel.

  2. Click on the Performance and Maintenance link.

Note: If you’re viewing the Classic View of Control Panel, you won’t see this link. Simple double-click on the System icon and proceed to Step 4.

  1. In the Performance and Maintenance window, click on the System icon near the bottom of the window.

  2. In the System Properties window, click on the Hardware tab.

  3. With the Hardware tab selected, click on the Device Manager button.

Once device manager has loaded can you take a print screen of it, and attach it in your next reply. 8)

I am extremely new to this.How might I do this?

I apologize for leaving you hanging ADOTD.I had an emergency.I think I might have solved my driver issues.Sorry to waste your time.My USB and CD driveseem to be working as of now. I do have another issue now though.I shall crank up a fresh post.Thank you again for trying to look out for the new guy folks.

hey again no problem glad some of the problem is solved for you. but what remaining problems are you experiencing?

Wow I really appreciate the Avast community reaching out to help.Once again sorry Mikaelrask.I had already cranked out afresh post.Never thuoght to even come back to here. When my laptop boots up I am getting a dreaded SvcHost Application Error-the system still works,but then a window opens to reveal my system 32 folders.Like I said it still runs .I tried the links some folks had posted,but to no avail.In case anyone is wondering I have Dell Latd620,XP PRO,PSI Secunia,AVAST 7 Free,WinPatrol,SAS,Online Armor, and COMODO AutoRun Analyzer. Thanks