Help with Dynamic Computer Groups

I’m trying to create a Dynamic Computer Groups to separate my machines via their IP subnets… I have a single domain with 40+ sites with different IP subnets and for deployment and management dynamic subnet groups would be perfect… It would be great if someone could help me with a Dynamic Group search string as I don’t really want to manually sort and continually update 2500 + clients…

Ignore my post… I feel stupid, sometime the simplest things escape me… I won’t need Dynamic Subnet Groups after all…

You won’t?

Anyway, what was the problem, exactly? You didn’t know how to insert the IP address ranges?

What I wanted to do was create a list of Dynamic Computer Groups that would update whenever Active Directory was changed so all machines within a IP subnet range would recieve the same policy without me needing to manually sort then into folders whenever AD was changed… Enabling me to point them to a mirror on their same physical site via policy…

Does that make sense, it would still be a handy feature if I could sort Dynamic groups via IP Subnet…

The principal problem is, you can’t set a policy on a dynamic group. The idea behind is that dynamic groups are generally not disjoint (a single machine can be in any number of dynamic groups) and so the definition would be ambiguous (and likely inconsistent).

You can run tasks on dynamic groups, but can’t set policies on them.

Anyway, it’s quite easy to define dynamic groups by IP addresses (see attached screenshot).

Thanks for this input! Exactly what I was looking for.

But can someone explain to me why my first try didn’t work, where I tried to enter:

Last IP address = 172.16.*

Thanks for input!