Well this one slid by Avast’s program. It was blocking any and all websites (I’m on my laptop, ATM). I did an Avast scan, and several hundred files were quarantined. That took an hour. Then, it suggested that I run it again before it loads windows. That was TWO HOURS AGO and it’s STILL quarantining files.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. It’s still quarantining files ATM, and I honestly don’t know when it’s going to stop.


Same thing is happening with my computer. I have run the avast scans. I still can’t got to ANY web pages without the avast threat detected pop-up chiming away!

Help please.

I’m 3 hours into the virus scan. sigh

This is likely to be as a result of an FP in a VPS update 110411-1, update to 110411-2 should resolve it.

See this Blog report on it,

@ Valkyre
Stop the scan and update.

DON’T DO AN AVAST SCAN WITH THIS VPS >>> update now manually, there’s a correction update. You’re getting FPs guys, no infections :wink:

I stopped the scan, clicked up date, and TA DA! (I hit escape to get out of the endless 8k + corrupted files).

update avast and it should be fine (BEHOLD TEH POWA UV DA INTERWEBS! I answered and fixed the problem before ya’ll posted. THANK you! And I’m reposting the link with the ANSWER!

Thank you all for your help. :slight_smile: I posted a big caps thing on how to fix it (with the link) so that elebinty 7 more folks don’t post about the exact same thing.

Thanks again!

Thank you for the fix. I went and manually updated and am now able to go to websites and check my email. Should I do a scan again just to make sure?

NO SCAN needed :wink: … just restore files sent to chest if any (as a result of the incident)

As the former writer(s) I also scanned my pc cause of the malware messages.
I have a lot of files (and i mean A LOT) in the viruschest now.
And I read something about restoring them.
When I right click on the files, click restore.
I get a pop-up: you try to overwrite a file that already exists and then I get the questions for the files: Overwrite, Overwrite all, and some more options

My question is: What should I do? How can i repair all my programs?

If I restore and overwrite it looks as if nothing is happening.
The files are staying in the virus chest.
It are important files. A lot of files from Adobe Dreamweaver and other Adobe programs.
The programs don’t work properly any more.
So I hope someone can give me some advise what to do

yes on overwrite all … if that doesn’t work, once you’ve actually updated Avast to 110411-2, attempt a system restore.

@Avast: guys there seem to be a problem for a few here who had FPs on local files. I already noticed the issue when testing EICAR: infected file is sent to Chest while a blocked copy of the file (may be an empty file) remains in the original location, meaning that if you attempt to restore it, you’re getting the “file already exists” message…

Are the files supposed to leave the chest, or do they just copy from there but a copy stays in there? I’m trying to restore them, overwriting, and telling Windows it’s okay to let Avast modify things…and it doesn’t seem to do anything (the files are still there in the chest).


actually wanted to come back to this thread… careful with sys restore, check the VPS version in your restore point before actually restoring (use “previous version” function in the folder properties).

Once you’ve made sure that files have been restored properly, you can delete them manually from the chest. Check each time.

just out of curiosity, will we as paying users ever get to know what -really- happened with 110411-01?

was it “the new guy” who clicked something too early? did someone get fired? did everyone just have a big laugh? is there any way to measure how many customers will leave? was it an internal test that went, um, viral?

what happened with quality-control? does quality control exist?

although not as bad as when macafee detected svchost.exe as a virus and deleted it, it still deserves some kind of explanation from those on the inside - those who actually released it.

A false positive episode. A mistake.

Are you joking? If not, better rethink what is a serious company…
A big laugh? An internal test? Give us a break…

Yes, it exists, is very good, and did a mistake.

They probably will explain it later and probably will post the measures to avoid this in the future.

thank you for taking the time to reply - i was half-joking with some of those comments, mostly to blow off a little steam i guess.

i was an early adopter of avast, years and years ago - have seen a ton of FP’s but not as bad as this… i won’t really know the amount of damage to our 400-450 users until the morning, but i don’t expect it to be the end of the world, it could have been a lot worse

while i’m sure it was a mistake - you have just under 139 MILLION downloads on just… that’s not counting from other sources, ADMN clients, etc… while the word ‘mistake’ is really small of a word, it could have gigantic consequences on an extremely high number of computers. with that kind of pressure, i would hope you guys have rooms full of virtual machines, real machines, running every operating system you support - and do a full scan on every one before pushing out an update… and browse to at least some common websites from a few of them…

i’d be real interested to see the official explanation and statement of preventative measures going forward - is there an RSS feed i should sign up to? where would that even be posted? would it be emailed to the list of paying subscribers that you have?

Most probably it will start in a closed section of the forums (for Evangelists only).
Then it will go to full public. Right now there is a blog for it.


is there any way i can request an email when the public version comes out? (i’m customer number 23520003 in our latest license) and as it turns out, our license is up for renewal 2 days ago, so we need to decide to purchase more years @ 470 seats or go with someone else, and the official response is going to help that decision

Well there has already been an initial blog entry that I gave a link to in Reply #3

The last time there was something like this was over 18 months ago and there was a full and frank posting in the forums about what the reason for it was. So my guess that will happen again in due course.