Help with new laptop and Avast

[i]Good afternoon from England

I have a new laptop and have been trying to get Avast onto it, but I could find no way for it to accept my account…I have a paid for account and only had the on PC…I have had to download a free version of Avast for protection, can anyone please advise on how I can get in touch with Avast for my activation code please? :wink:

My new laptop in a Lenova, 8.1 windows.

Many thanks and a Happy new year to everyone. :’ ;D

Kindest wishes


Thank you so much Eddy,

All done !!

I am most grateful


Barbara :wink:

You’re welcome.
Enjoy the new laptop and have a lot of fun in 2015 :smiley:

Oh Eddy, thank you so much.

I was in hospital over Christmas having an operation on my knee, and this laptop is amazing as it saves me trying to crawl upstairs to my main computer.

I wish you a vey happy New Year. :wink:

