In Msn Messenger 7.0 I get the following (annoying) message, which is being sent to everyone who’s online:
“MSN-10 Is out! Get it ASAP!”
It gives a reference to the site of, where the exe-file: “MSN-10update” stands (which is currently already removed according to someone on another forum).
I didn’t receive this message from someone else on Msn, so I didn’t click on it…
I use Windows Advanced Server 2000 and Avast doesn’t recognize this virus. And it seems to be yet unknown on the websites of McAfee, Norton, AVG, Avast, …
Never mind, the Windoze is only for educational purpose at home, and no… I’m not that stupid installing it at my company.
I didn’t want to reinstall it since I like doing other things in my free time. Anyway, I’m looking for a laptop now… pre-installed.