Help with VBS:Malware-gen

You can help report the possible false positive here:

Thank you for your help. Already reported it to Avast; hopefully they get it straightened out, soon.

Do you have any idea how long Avast typically takes to fix something like this? Starting to see some angry/confused comments in my inbox :-[

Thank you for looking into this. Have reported it as well. Thanks, Rambling Beach Chat, too, for flagging this up. Can someone update when this has been cleared up/removed as positive? All the best.

Avast! updates (at least) twice a day.

Hi all!!

I have same problem today with my blog hosted on blogger.

Same warning re YOUR-FAVICON-URL|{gzip} comes up, and also a warning comes up when I am in the Blogger dashboard attempting to access the HTML.

I checked with Google Webmaster tools, Sucura, and Virus Total. And find nothing. Site result clear in all.
Changed my Favicon following instructions provided above… and i got yet alarm hxxp://|{gzip} and those in edit html on blogger dashboard.

So I checked all PC for paranoia.
And i discovered that also old saved *xml templete files was blocked by avast cos same problems.

So i downloaded again the same template from Blogger Templates website. Unzipped on desktop… asked a new virus scan and also the new downloaded xml was infected???

So i suppose that is a problem with the new avast updates.

Wait news from you for know how eventually trasmit this problem as False Positive. What I have to tell exactly?
Sorry never did before.


Go here

…and fill out the form. Make sure to label is as ‘Report false virus alert on website’ and to put the url of your website in the appropriate box.

Well, as of the latest update, the malware warnings are still happening :-[

:frowning: the same here, i have my template like 8 months ago and this happened just today, i lost one suscriber and i needed to change it :stuck_out_tongue:
I hope this is gonna be fix quick, i loved my old template :cry:

Thanks friends i too have reported it to avast!

From Norman lab - Not malicious. - Not Detected

Thx a lot for the infos. I hope to solve all soon.

Thanks to all my friends who helped me!
I got the problem solved after reporting it to avast within half a day. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Normally avast are quick to correct any FP once notified and confirmed.

Glad to see the problem was fixed. :slight_smile:

Looks like the problem is fixed on my end, as well.

Thank you to iDonovan and everyone else on here the contributed to getting things resolved :slight_smile: