Help with Win32:Adan-025 (Adw)

I have tried numerous times to send this Malware to the Chest, which it will not do. It has infected wintools\wtoolsb.dll. Has anybody heard of this malware and how can I get it off of my computer?

Hi :slight_smile:

Can you provide us with some more info(e.g. which Win you use, avast! version, VPS version…)
If you have NT-based system you can try a boot-time scan :wink:

Hi donlyna,

The vendor has infected 13% of Wintools with this pest.
So you have to uninstall Wintools, it is a rogue program.

Here is the information about this malware:
uninstall information at the bottom of this linkpage.

Bazooka helps you to find this spyware-BHO.
Toolbarcop is a program that helps to get past this BHO.



This has been covered many times before so a forum search for Win32:Adan-025 (Adw) would return many hits (just a hint for the future).

Files that are in use are protected from deletion or moving them by windows so a boot-time scan as suggested by .:x:M:A:S:. if you can is very effective as windows isn’t running.

Follow polonus’s link and info and hopefully you should be squared away.

Also useful as a diagnostic tool - Download - HJT Information HiJackThis Tutorial 1 or HiJackThis Tutorial 2
For an on-line analysis - HiJackThis Log file - On-line Analysis
Ignore any 023 reference to avast processes, this is a hiccup in the HJT 1.99.1 (especially missing file entry for avast), if you need any help with any of the analysis let us know.
OR HiJackThis Log file - On-line Analysis 2

When things have calmed down I suggest that you check out the DropMyRights link in my signature, this can help limit the potential damage by malware that does manage to get on to your system.