Somebody help Please!!! I have wid XP…I have tried everything! But! still running so slow… ???Thankyou Peoples xxxxxx
Hi Alisonline.
This should have been posted in the ‘general questions area’, ok.
I am afarid that the amount of background information you have supplied (Practicly NIL) only leads to one answer. [withheld] :-X
Please disreagard if you have tried these messures (as you state you tried everything!!)
Download adaware from
Download SpywareBlaster from
Install, and follow the instructions in their help sections.
try that for starters. :
HI Alisonline !
First > how much RAM you have ?
second > need more system specs (processor, etc…)
third > are you running much resident software ?
btw > what’s up with that poll thingy ???
kind regards,