Still cannot get my email for a week now since I installed avast except through outlook express mozilla says my email address in invalid and other mail programs just grey out when I try to input my email address.
Mozilla is very picky with avast. Do a board seach for Mozilla Mail and avast
:o All I’m getting with the broad search for mozilla and avast is this message thread.
I seem to be having a problem with Sygate, Mozilla Mail and Avast! Although Avast is allowed to send mail, Sygate won’t let it.
I Get this Since Installing Avast.
Uninstalling Avast isn’t an option it won’t uninstall either.
That seems to be a problem with Mozilla, not Avast!.
I tried 4 other email programs they either say the email accounts are invalid or “Unable To Resolve Server’s Ip Address”
But I can get mail through crap outlook express and I hate that program.
Netmail-Try to enter my email address the submit button just greys out
Foxmail-Unable To Resolve Server’s Ip Address
Mozilla-Please Enter A Valid Email Address
Mozilla Thunderbird-Please Enter A Valid Email Address
Crap Outlook Express-Processes mail just fine
I need help with these matters, I’ve disabled the mail protection feature and it still will not accept any other applications doing email.
These ‘enter a valid email address’ messages are similar to trying to send email using one email account whilst connected to another ISP, they block relaying.
This probably means that the server details for each of those are the that will have been set up when The Email Protection Wizard first ran, you need to reverse these changes. Check the tools, accounts, properties, server and details relating to these accounts within those email programs and ensure that they are correct.
I need help with these matters, I've disabled the mail protection feature and it still will not accept any other applications doing email.
Simply disabling the Internet Mail provider protection, will not set your account details back to the state they were at the start.
You need to run the Email protection Wizard (ensure that all email programs are closed), Start>All Programs>Avast Antivirus>E M P, then select the “Automatically remove protection from all my accounts.”
You can also find the Help file in the same location, I suggest that you take some time out to read it, especially the Setting up mail protection.
Once you have things back to square one, you might like to try again once you have read the section in the help file.
HTH - David
Only one thing where is this
<<Check the tools, accounts, properties, server and details relating to these accounts within those email programs and ensure that they are correct>>
I can find the email remove protection section but . Where are the tools, accounts at exactly, I looked at the settings on the avast icon, not there, the program start menu, not there, and the actual folder for the program not there either.
Sorry for being stupid
Also the program now says 3 out of 5 providers running.
These settings are within each individual email program. I have no idea of exactly where they are within each of your email programs (I don’t use them) - but the path above is from the Outlook Express menu list at the top of the OE window. Click Tools, then Accounts, then select the account settings you want to check/change and click Properties. Form hear click the Server Tab and you can check/change the settings to ensure that they are correct.
Your problem is to find where these settings are within your other email programs, you after all have more knowledge of them than I do.
I can find the email remove protection section but . Where are the tools, accounts at exactly, I looked at the settings on the avast icon, not there, the program start menu, not there, and the actual folder for the program not there either.
Did you not find the Mail protection Wizard? - Click the Windows Start button, then All Programs, then Avast AntiVirus, then Mail Protection Wizard - Then follow my previous instructions, print the thread out if it helps to refer to when trying to find, etc.
I thought I had made it clear that the Tools, Accounts, etc. where in your email programs (obviously not, see above) and not Avast.
Sorry for being stupid Also the program now says 3 out of 5 providers running.
The number of providers simply means that you have disabled 2 of the providers that you don’t require, I only use 2 Internet Mail and Standard Shield, I don’t use the other programs that would require the other providers, Outlook, IM or P2P program/s.
Even if you have disabled the Internet Mail provider protection within Avast this doesn’t change your email account settings in the email programs back (as I explained previously), you have to run the Mail Protection Wizard to do this or do it manually.
Did you find the Help file, Windows Start button, then All Programs, then Avast AntiVirus, then Help? Because everything we are talking about is in there.
;D The help file didn’t go up on my shortcuts on the start menu for some reason but the file is there…found it.
Everything works good, thanks for the help greatly!
Everything Works Really Well.
;D ;D ;D ;D