My “Resident Protection” was working Okay; that is, it was enabled at startup until my son logged on and something happened and now it won’t enable at startup.
When I change it from “disabled” to “standard” and reboot, it doesn’t enable.
My “Resident Protection” was working Okay; that is, it was enabled at startup until my son logged on and something happened and now it won’t enable at startup.
When I change it from “disabled” to “standard” and reboot, it doesn’t enable.
Hello and Welcome to the Forum
Can you describe in more details the problem?
What is youy OS ?
Do you have or did you have any other security programs installed on this computer before or now ?
I have XP and I run no other Virus programs.
I have ZoneAlarm Firewall.
I think my son somehow “disabled” Avast.
I just want the “Resident Protection” to be “activated” at Startup.
Thank You for that information. May I ask how you know that Avast is disabled ?
Thank You
Hope it’s OK to jump in on this issue.
I’m having the same problem, though getting the RPC error.
Last night I followed the Faq and managed to get Avast! re-started as resident.
This morning I can’t get it restarted no matter what.
Don’t know if this is a coincidence - but I get multiple windows of Internet Explorer starting up and trying to access a URL.
It does ‘look’ like something on my PC is stopping Avast! from starting.
XP64 and using Windows firewall. No other firewalls or virus checkers installed.
Any thoughts?
Many thanks.
An update …
When my Internet Explorer opens by itself it tries to go to - and others with the mul10.php extension such as
I downloaded ‘Backlight’ and while scanning it found a hidden file which I renamed, and when I restarted the PC, Avast! has kicked in as normal.
I am however still getting the Internet Explorer self starting with multiple windows, so all is still not well, and don’t know if Avast! will self start on my next re-boot.
I hope this information is proving useful.
See if this helps - right click the a-icon in your system tray, then click On-Access Protection Control. In the window that opens highlight Standard Shield on the left, then click Start. Click Yes when asked if you want to persist the change. If other providers have been disabled highlight and start them in the same manner
@ dougcoull
Did blacklight find some form of bagle?
Please download and scan with AVG AntiSpyware and a-Squared
putting any malware found in quarantine.
Then post a hijackkthis log in a new thread in Viruses and Worms. Make sure to include a list of the malware found with files names and locations. Mention your OS in the new thread too so we don’t have to look back and forth between these threads.
EDIT: Just noticed you have only the Windows Firewall. Please install a third party firewall (eg Zone Alarm or Comodo) and carefully review anything seeking an internet connection before allowing it.
Firstly, many thanks for the support and suggestions.
I am currently downloading as per your suggestions and will install, then post in other forum.
One thing I have confirmed - repair and restart seems to resolve.
Got this error message from Spybot:
Microsoft.WindowsSecurityCenter_disabled: Settings (Registry change, nothing done)
Looks like somethings going on, and sure I’ll get to the bottom of it with your kind assistance.
Bagel? This wasn’t highlighted in the scan I’m afraid.
Lastly, I have my ‘sensitivity’ set to high.
Good - it sounds like Blacklight got the root(kit) of the problem but whatever malware was downloaded as a result of the initial infestion will also have to be removed. Since avast! is working again you should also do a boot scan.
Never done a boot scan, I’ll have a look.
A few problems with the Firewalls/Software - I need 64 bit and not supported in some.
Still, moving in the right direction
Thanks again.
I’m successfully using Comodo, AVG AntiSpyware and A-Squared on several 64bit boxes. Zone Alarm says to make sure DEP is at its default level
but I haven’t tested this.
Your next post should be in your new thread so we don’t continue to hijack greg999’s thread.
Last post here, and apologies for hijacking the thread.
Now under ‘hijackkthis’ as suggested.