
I’m not sure where to post this, since the problem isn’t so much a worm or bug as it is an annoyance that I cannot adequately identify.

I’ve only started using Avast for the past few days, prior to this I uninstalled my last anti virus to avoid them conflicting with each other. After all three hours of getting rid of the program (which I now hate with my very soul.)

Needless to say, I began to have problems on my internet browsers, firefox and google chrome. When I try to browse with these programs I will frequently have a message saying the browser has either disconnected, timed out or some other form of blowing a fuse, I will have to reload the page and more often than not the html(if I’m using the right name for the coding that makes the internet look pretty) and layout of the pages will look as they would usually if an error had happened while loading.

I tried to figure out if it was Zone Alarm, uninstalled it and reinstalled it, the problem still continued. Today I uninstalled Avast and then reinstalled, the disconnections and html errors stopped.

Now…I have reinstalled Avast again but I am unhappy that these errors or whatever you’d prefer to call them keep happening. I need to know why they are happening because they are certainly not happening on my brothers computer (he recommended Avast to me in the first place) which means it is not a problem with my internet provider.

I ask then, what the hell is causing this problem? If I can’t find a way to fix it I’ll simply have to swap to another anti-virus program and hope that one does like my computer.

I apologize if this post is in the wrong forum.

Riflow, which was your old antivirus?
Which is your Windows?

It was AVG anti-virus, the free one.

I have windows 7.

Maybe this will help:
How do I remove old third-party antivirus software before installing avast!?

Thank you, but I don’t think that’s quite it.

I spent three hours with my brother and revo uninstaller getting rid of avg anti virus, wiping the traces of it’s existence, so it can’t be third party antivirus software.

You should use the uninstaller provided by the vendor (AVG Remover) and not third party stuff.

Revo Uninistaller is quite BAD for antivirus/firewall and generally for applications that require a boot to uninstall.
The dedicated uninstaller could help.

Well…I used to uninstaller…and although it’s not disconnecting as much it’s still disconnecting.

Which means there is still a problem, somewhere on my computer.

Well, the problem pretty much being the Revo thing. :-X

  • Uninstall Avast.
  • Go to safe mode, run the Avast uninstaller.
  • Reboot, reinstall AVG.
  • Reboot.
  • Uninstall AVG.
  • Reboot and run their removal utility.
  • Reboot and reinstall Avast.

Good luck.

Also, if you did use Revo for ZoneAlarm ::slight_smile: the same applies to it.
ZA Removal Tool:

…I think I’m just going to ask my brother how it works.
I don’t understand how computers work at the best of times.

I didn’t use revo for zone alarm, when I was uninstalling avg in the first place, an error appeared and said zone alarm was stopping it from properly uninstalling. I did reinstall it afterwards though.

Also…you know what I love?

When the download manager doesn’t work. :I

riflow, are you using the free version of Zone Alarm or a paid one?

Precisely why I sent you the link to take you to the vendors removal tool.
A generic removal tool isn’t always the best tool to use and can cause more harm than good.

The free one.

Right so…I’m still getting the issue after re-installing avast and going trough the steps you’ve specified.

Thisissoinfuriating. :I

Which version of ZA are you running ??? Pro or free ???