"helpsearch.exe" and registry entry "bkdr_hupigon.fi" malware?

“helpsearch.exe” was discovered in task manger using 100% cpu. Googled it, came up with info over at TrendMicro. A back door operator according to them. The registry entry for this is "BKDR_HUPIGON.Fi. Confirmed the registry entry.
Before my eyes this in Task manger entry dissapeared. CPU went back to normal.
The following action was taken:

  1. Boot scan with avast–nothing found
  2. Online scan with Symantec–nothing found
  3. Oline scan with TrendMicro-- nothing found
  4. Oline scan with Nod32–nothing found
  5. Safe mode scan with Superantispyware–nothing found
    Does anyone have any additional info on this virus/malware?

Avast did not recognize this as a virus/malware. To anyone in this forum who might know, is this a virus/malware?

Have you done a google seatch for the file name for any associations with malware ?
The only thing I see is your post in the SAS forum, so to me if it were a legit file I would expect more hits.

You could also check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner and report the findings here. I feel virustotal is the better option as it uses the windows version of avast (more packers supported) and there are currently over 30 different scanners.

I saw “helpservice.exe” in task manger. But it dissapeared on its own. So I did a google search of it, and TrendMicro was only AntiVirus company that came up with info on it plus the Registry entry of “BKDR_HUPIGON.Fi”. Did Avast Forum search on "BKDR_HUPIGON.Fi, and came up with one post way back in time on it. The Post was a merely an anouncement about a slew of "BKDR_HUPIGON’S. Nothing about anyone, with Avast having problems with it. I think the forum was called “Machine Forum” or something like that. Will go with VirusTotal and see what happens. A local search revealed nothing on either of the above listed two. Thanks DavidR for responding to my query.

Which is is it, helpsearch or helpservice?

Oldman, it was “helpsearch.exe”. Sorry about error in post above yours. The best I can gather it was in that part of Microsoft, search assistant, which I don’t really understand that well. Got the registry entry for it out. But never could find a file by name of “helpsearch.exe”. Guess it is hideing.

If it were a part of MS search Assistant, then I would expect more google hit on helpsearch.exe and they simply aren’t there.