It has many other functions than simply being your DNS server, blocking phishing/malicious sites, and the blocking of sites by category p-o-r-n, etc. for parental control, etc. using their dashboard function. Not to mention it has been around for some considerable time, tried and tested and not a beta.
Or go to GRC and download a copy of DNS Benchmark and see how the DNS server response of stalwarts like compare to Norton, Comodo, and OpenDNS. There are lots of known reliable servers out there to select from, and you may want rapid response also.
Just got my first block from Norton DNS. Clicking the detailed report says that there is an infected document on the site (hxxp:// Clicking Exit this site redirected me to about:blank. Looks promising so far!
I ditched Norton. It is too aggressive. It was blocking the entire Brothersoft website and clicking the detailed report was linking to the Brothersoft site. Nice catch-22 there. Back to old reliable OpenDNS.
Comodo DNS is also good. It’s based on ultraDNS and even uses some of the same servers. It doesn’t have all the options though, in fact it doesn’t have any but it does block some known bad sites and has no advertising when you get an error. It just shows a Comodo page and tells you that the site is either unreachable or has been blocked. It’s not quite as fast as OpenDns or Level 3 for me but the difference is very small according to the DNS benchmark tool by Steve Gibson.
Good find ;D Comodo DNS doesn’t exist, as you’ve noticed it’s just rented servers from UltraDNS, and UltraDNS manages everything, Comodo just pays to put their name on it.