I’ve just started to use Avast home edition and im getting a problem when i start Avast! Antivirus. After the memorytest, the avast! 4 Simple user interface pop-up window won’t go away! >:(
Im getting this error when im checking the box:
An error has occurred in the script on this page
Line: 220
Char: 26
Error: Object doesn’t support this property or method
Code: 0
URL: mk:@MSITStore:D:\Program\Avast\English\Help\ChecklistSimple.chm::/checklist.htm
Followed by a yes/no confirmation to continue scripting on page.
Needless to say the problem comes back every time i start the program
Some help please!
I tried to reinstall, but that wasn’t the problem.
After updating (Windows Update) and downloading patch: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=811630 wich releate to how the window.showHelp method is used, it worked fine. :
By the way; if some developer is watching: I use win2k sp3 all updates EXCEPT the patch specified above (until today that is). Still waiting to hear more about sp4 before I’m going to slap that one in. 8)
Thanks brom!
I’ve noticed this problem a few days ago, but didn’t have time to explore it much deeper. I thought I hadn’t installed any Windows update, but now I realize I have installed the Cumulative patch for IE, mentioned on the MS page. So that was the problem…